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Please note: This is an old news story provided for archival purposes. For the latest updates, visit

Annual Fire Hydrant Inspection & Testing, August 21 to September 2

The Somerville Fire Department will conduct its annual inspection of all fire hydrants in Somerville between Monday, August 21, and Saturday, September 2. Testing will take place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and, if necessary, in the evening between 6:15 and 8:15 p.m. 

During inspections, water will be flushed from the hydrants and their mechanical operations will be checked. As a result, some sediment may be disturbed in the water mains, potentially causing temporary rusty water in homes or businesses. Although water may appear discolored, it does not pose a health hazard, and this rusty condition should clear in a few hours. Rusty water can stain fabric, however, so laundry should be avoided until normal water conditions have been restored. 

Please contact the Somerville Fire Department at 617-623-1700 with any questions.

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