Get moving and grooving.
A six week program starting today.
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The City of Somerville is hosting an informational workshop about the City’s annual budget process. All are invited to learn about what the budget is, how it’s created, and how residents can keep up-to-date with the process. After a presentation by the City’s Budget team, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and share their priorities for the fiscal year 2024 budget.
The workshop will take place Tuesday, March 29, at 7 p.m.
Interpretation into Spanish will be offered. Interpretation into other languages is available by request: contact the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs at call 311 at 617-666-3311.
Learn more in advance by visiting For sign-in or call-in information just before the meeting on the 28th, also visit
¿Tiene ideas para el presupuesto de la ciudad? Este documento financiero dicta cómo se asignarán los fondos públicos para apoyar los servicios públicos, incluidos los gastos diarios y las inversiones a más largo plazo. La alcaldesa Katjana Ballantyne presentará su propuesta de presupuesto para el año fiscal 2024 a fines de mayo.
Todos los residentes de Somerville están invitados a aprender sobre el presupuesto, cómo se crea y compartir ideas sobre lo que se debe priorizar en un taller virtual el martes 28 de marzo a las 7 p.m. Obtenga más información en
Tem ideias para o orçamento da Prefeitura? Esse documento financeiro define como o dinheiro público será alocado para financiar serviços públicos, incluindo despesas diárias e investimentos de longo prazo. A Prefeita Katjana Ballantyne apresentará a sua proposta para o orçamento do ano fiscal de 2024 no final de maio.
Todos os residentes de Somerville estão convidados para participar de uma oficina virtual na terça-feira, 28 de março, às 19h, para aprender mais sobre o orçamento, como ele é criado e também para compartilhar suas ideias quanto ao que deveria ser priorizado. Para mais informações, visite
Ou pa okenn ide pou bidjè vil la? Dokiman finansye sa a dikte ki jan yo pral remèt lajan piblik yo pou sipòte sèvis piblik yo, enkli depans chak jou ak envestisman alontèm. Majistra Katjana Ballantyne pral prezante bidjè pou ane fiskal 2024 li nan fen mwa Me a.
Tout rezidan Somerville yo envite pou aprann sou bidjè a, kijan li kreye, epi pataje panse sou sa ki ta dwe priyorite nan workshop vityèl la Madi 28 Mas a 7 p.m. Aprann plis nan
सिटिको बजेटका बारेमा तपाँईको केही धारणा छ? यस वित्तीय कागजातले दैनिक खर्च तथा दीर्घकालीन लगानीहरू सहित सार्वजनिक सेवाहरूलाई सहयोग गर्न सार्वजनिक कोषहरू कसरी विनियोजन गरिनेछ भनेर निर्धारण गर्दछ। मेयर काटियाना ब्यालेण्टाईनले मे महिनाको अन्त्यमा उनको प्रस्तावित आर्थिक वर्ष २०२४ को बजेट प्रस्तुत गर्ने छिन्।
समरभिलका सबै बासिन्दाहरूलाई बजेटको बारेमा जान्न, यो बजेट कसरी तर्जुमा गरिएको छ, र कुन कुरालाई प्राथमिकता दिनु पर्छ भन्ने बारे धारणाहरू राख्न यही मंगलबार, मार्च २८, साँझ ७:०० बजे भर्चुअल कार्यशालामा आमन्त्रित गरिएको छ। थप जानकारीका लागी जानुहोस्
您对萨默维尔市的财政预算有意见和想法吗?财政预算案规定了该如何分配公共资金来支持公共服务,包括日常开支和长期投资。卡佳娜·巴兰坦市长将于 5 月下旬提出2024财政年度的财政预算案。
我们邀请所有萨默维尔居民参加3 月 28 日(星期二)晚上 7 点举行的在线研讨会,一齐来了解财政预算案及预算制定的方式。市民亦可以就应优先考虑的事项分享想法。了解更多信息
您對薩默維爾市的財政預算有意見和想法嗎?財政預算案規定了該如何分配公共資金來支持公共服務,包括日常開支和長期投資。卡佳娜·巴蘭坦市長將於 5 月下旬提出2024財政年度的財政預算案。
我們邀請所有薩默維爾居民參加3 月 28 日(星期二)晚上 7 點舉行的線上研討會,一齊來了解財政預算案及預算製定的方式。市民亦可以就應優先考慮的事項分享想法。了解更多資訊
The city budget is a financial document that reflects community values, priorities, and needs. It dictates how public funds will be allocated to support public services, including day-to-day expenses and longer-term investments. The proposed budget is developed over many months, with several key milestones in the spring and early summer.
This year, Mayor Katjana Ballantyne will present her proposed fiscal year 2024 budget in late May. In February, as part of the Ballantyne administration’s efforts to better incorporate City Council input, Council priorities were requested. After the Mayor’s budget submission, per City Charter, the City Council holds a public hearing for members of the public to testify about the general budget. Throughout June, the City Council will hold a series of public hearings to learn more about each department’s budget. At final hearings, the Council will then either accept proposed spending or make cuts to specific lines in the budget. Finally, the Mayor will submit an amended final budget for approval, and the Council will vote to adopt or reject the budget ahead of the new fiscal year on July 1.
Understanding community priorities is essential to creating a budget that meets community needs. The Mayor, City Council, and City staff gather public input year-round as they engage with constituents, local businesses, community partners, and other stakeholders and listen to their goals and needs. What they learn at meetings, events, discussions, and more helps shape budget decisions. But March and April are another good time to get involved. Beyond attending this workshop to learn about the budget and share your priorities, you can offer feedback in other ways:
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Persons with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs, activities, and meetings of the City of Somerville should please contact Adrienne Pomeroy in advance at 617-625-6600 x 2059 or |
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Interpretation into any language is available upon advance request (at least 7 days advance) by contacting the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs at or calling 311 at 617-666-3311. |
Document Type | Time Posted | |
Video Recording | Apr 26, 2023, 10:05am |
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Get moving and grooving.
A six week program starting today.
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Get moving and grooving while enjoying hits of the past.
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Join us as CHA speaks about physical, occupational and rehabilitation therapies and why they are so important to your overall health.
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