Renovation of Dilboy Stadium Field and Track
Photo credit: Warner Larson Landscape Architects |
The George Dilboy Memorial Stadium is a multi-purpose regional sports complex located at 110 Alewife Brook Parkway, adjacent to Alewife Brook in West Somerville. The site is owned by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and is operated by the City of Somerville Parks and Recreation Department. The Stadium complex also includes the Dilboy Memorial Pool, tennis courts, Auxiliary grass sports fields and a children’s playground.
The scope of the renovation is limited to the replacement of the Dilboy Stadium synthetic turf and the running track, and the work is planned for the spring of 2021. Originally installed around 2005, the existing Dilboy Stadium synthetic turf field and track are well beyond their lifespan.
Click here to view the presentation given at the virtual community meeting held September 9, 2020.
For questions regarding recreational use of Dilboy stadium, please refer to the Somerville Parks and Recreation webpage by clicking here.
For more information on the field and track renovation, please contact Arn Franzen, Senior Project Manager Public Space and Urban Forestry at
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