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Voluntary Insurance: Colonial Life Insurance Company

At this time, you can also review voluntary insurance coverage that is available to you through Colonial Life Insurance. Employees of the City of Somerville have the option to apply for supplemental insurance on a voluntary basis. This benefit offers the convenience of premium payment through payroll deduction; portability: the ability to take coverage with you if you change jobs or retires; benefit checks are paid directly to you; and flexible coverage: you choose the coverage amount and type that meets your individual needs.
Please find below a list of the coverage's available:

Disability Insurance

Replaces a portion of you or your spouse's income to help make ends meet if you become disabled from a covered accident or covered illness. (More information)

Accident Insurance

Helps to offset the unexpected medical expenses, such as emergency room fees, deductibles and copayments, that can result from a fracture, dislocation or other covered accidental injury. (More information)

Cancer Insurance

Helps to offset the out-of-pocket medical and indirect, non-medical expenses related to cancer that most medical plans don't cover. This coverage also provides a benefit for specified cancer-screening tests. (More information)

Critical Illness Insurance

Complements your major medical coverage by providing a lump-sum benefit that you can use to pay the direct and indirect costs related to a covered critical illness, which can often be expensive and lengthy. (More information)

Hospital Confinement Insurance

Provides a lump-sum benefit for a covered hospital confinement to help offset the gaps caused by copayments and deductibles that are not covered by most major medical plans.

Life Insurance

Enables you to tailor coverage for your individual needs and helps provide financial security for your family members. Plans are available for both term and whole life coverage. (More information)

Please contact the City's Colonial representative Garth Brown to enroll in the program:

Phone: 617-293-7108

Programs & Initiatives

The Safety Division of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) provides guidance on safety requirements for building projects in Somerville.
We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.

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