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No snow emergency is planned at this time, but please leave at least 20 feet of space at intersections to ensure plows and emergency vehicles can pass. Cars parked too close may be ticketed and/or towed. More snow policies and info at

About the Office of Sustainability and Environment (OSE)

The Office of Sustainability & Environment (OSE) improves the environmental performance of Somerville city government and the community. OSE's objective is to make Somerville a leader in addressing climate change, reducing energy usage and costs, minimizing impacts of climate change, and reducing waste to create a healthy and enjoyable Somerville for all residents.

Contact Information

Monday - Wednesday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

City Hall Annex
50 Evergreen Ave.
Somerville, MA 02145


50 Evergreen Ave.
Somerville, MA 02145
United States

Employee Directory


Together we will transform Somerville into SustainaVille -- a city that has come together to take bold steps to slow climate change while ensuring we are a diverse and vibrant community where people thrive.  

The SustainaVille brand houses the programs and initiatives that reduce Somerville’s contribution to and prepare us for the impacts of climate change. Climate Forward is our roadmap for how we’ll meet this urgency with Somerville-style grit and determination. Learn more about SustainaVille here

Visit the SustainaVille Home Page

Sign Up for the SustainaVille Newsletter

Climate Forward

The City of Somerville updated its community climate action plan, Climate Forward, in 2024. This plan establishes 5 key focus areas and 77 actions for an equitable, carbon net-negative, resilient, and thriving community. 

 Learn more about the plan at


Somerville Waste Wizard

Not sure how to dispose of something? Use the Waste Wizard to find out how to properly dispose of or recycle your waste. You can also use the Waste Wizard to look up your trash, recycling, and yard waste schedule and find out when household hazardous waste drop-off days are. Use the Waste Wizard here

Sustainable & Resilient Development Review

The Office of Sustainability and Environment reviews development projects for sustainability and resiliency. OSE reviews permits seeking Site Plan Approval, Building Permit Approval, and Certificate of Occupancy. Below, please find resource documents to guide you through the Development Requirements for a Certificate of Required Materials (CRM) from OSE.

Somerville adopted the Municipal Opt-In Specialized Building Code in 2023, which sets energy efficiency standards for new construction. In addition, the Stretch Code has been updated to higher efficiency standards for large additions and renovations (typically those over 1,000 square feet). 

Programs & Initiatives

Mattress and Box Spring Recycling Program
The City offers free mattress and box spring recycling to residents who receive City trash services. You just need to schedule a pickup.
Hazard Mitigation Plan
The City has prepared an updated Hazard Mitigation Plan to reduce its vulnerability to natural hazards such as flooding,
Textile Recycling Pickup Program
An easy, convenient, and free way to recycle pre-loved clothing, shoes, and accessories.
Electronic Waste Recycling Program
It's easy for Somerville residents and businesses to recycle electronic waste responsibly.

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