© Eric Kilby 2017 via Flickr
City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program
The City of Somerville Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance was established in 1990 and has grown over the past three (3) decades, adapting to evolving community & housing needs. The purpose of inclusionary zoning as outlined in the current zoning under Development Benefits, is to implement the housing policy objectives of the City’s Comprehensive Plan by increasing the supply of long-term, affordable housing available to existing and future residents of mixed incomes. Through the Inclusionary Housing Program, residential units become available to income-eligible households at below market rate.
The City of Somerville works with private and nonprofit developers to create below-market rate housing opportunities for renters and homebuyers. Click on the tabs below to learn about affordable housing and other programs for income-eligible residents. For additional program information refer to the Inclusionary Program Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2023.
You can also search for affordable rental opportunities using the Housing Navigator MA website and homeownership opportunities using the MyMassHome website.
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Income-Restricted Rental Opportunities
Affordable Rental Opportunity: Open waitlist opportunity for 1 income-restricted unit at 315 Broadway
315 Broadway, in conjunction with Micozzi Management are pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 315 Broadway, Somerville. One (1) income restricted one-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 2/14/2025 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Micozzi Management and reference “315 Broadway 80%” via telephone: 617-254-5576 ex 112 or email: eburkart@micozzimanagement.com
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Português
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Open waitlist opportunity for income-restricted units at Metro 9 (9 Medford Street)
Somerville Community Corporation is pleased to announce "Income Restricted Rental Open Waitlist Opportunity" at 9 Medford Street, Somerville. Five (5) income-restricted one-bedroom units will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households earning up to 50% of the Area Median Income.
Four (4) income-restricted one-bedroom units will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households earning up to 80% of the Area Median Income.
One (1) income-restricted two-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households earning up to 50% of the Area Median Income.
Two (2) income-restricted two-bedroom units will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households earning up to 80% of the Area Median Income.
Artist Live/Work Units:
Four of the above units have an artist live/work requirement. Applicants must be certified as working artists by the Somerville Arts Council. Applicants do not have to be certified before applying, but anyone selected for a unit will have to receive certification from the Somerville Arts Council before they can move in.
Applications will be available beginning on 7/22/2024 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Wingate Management and reference “Metro 9” via telephone: (617) 206-3008 or email: 100homes@wingatecompanies.com
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Português
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Consolidated Rental Waitlist
The Consolidated Rental Waitlist opens April 2025. Applications will be available on SomervilleWaitlist.org
Click here for more information on how to apply, and how to get assistance completing your application.
Inclusionary Rental Program Income Limits (50%, 80%, 110% AMI)
2023 Inclusionary Housing Program Update
This brief presentation includes some data and information on program growth and recent work being done by Inclusionary Program Staff.
Check back for future opportunities or sign up for alerts.
Inclusionary Affordable Homeownership Program
Inclusionary Ownership Program Income Limits (80%, 110%, 140% AMI)
2023 Inclusionary Housing Program Update
This brief presentation includes some data and information on program growth and recent work being done by Inclusionary Program Staff.
Development Review Application Requirements
Developments that provide Affordable Dwelling Units (ADUs) under Section 12 of the December 12, 2019 zoning ordinance, must submit the required documentation to Housing Division.
Developers must submit the following documentation to begin the process of drafting an Affordable Housing Implementation Plan (AHIP).
- Project deed;
- Certification of Organization;
- Current project plans that include amenities (vehicle/bicycle parking, storage, etc.)
- An accurately completed Affordable Housing Acknowledgement (AHA) to be fully executed:
- The identified “Developer” and address of business as it appears on the project deed and Secretary of State website
- The identified “Developer” and address of business as it appears on the project deed and Secretary of State website
Vertical/Structural Building Permit
Prior to pulling a building permit (BP), developers must have a fully executed AHIP. Developers should provide notice, two- three months ahead of pulling the BP, allowing sufficient time to prepare and execute the AHIP. In absence of advance notice, the Housing Division may not be in position to review documents and materials and finalize an AHIP within a desired timeframe.
To complete an AHIP developers must provide:
- Finalized project plans
- Schedule of Units
Documents Required from Developers for Marketing Inclusionary Units Include:
- Tenant Fee Disclosure form
- Utility Form
- Language Access Plan
- Parking Plan
- Model Lease
- Rental and Screening Criteria
For Projects Permitted Under the December 12, 2019 Zoning Ordinance
For projects under the December 12, 2019 Zoning Ordinance, Information regarding the Somerville Zoning Ordinance and the permitting process is available on the Somerville Zoning website. Refer to Section 12 "Development Benefits" for information regarding the process and requirements for the provision of Affordable Dwelling Units (ADUs).
Estimated Maximum Rents & Sales Pricing
Tables 1.a and 2.a show base rents and base sales prices for ADUs, respectively. Maximum rents and maximum sales prices are the base amounts provided, deducting applicable fees and utilities for which an occupant is responsible. Tables 1.b and 2.b show estimated maximum rents and sales pricing assuming fees and other applicable deductions.
Table 1.a: Estimated Base Rents Without Fees or Utility Deductions*
Studio | 1-BR | 2-BR | 3-BR | 4-BR | 5-BR | |
Rental Tier 1 “Very Low Income” |
$893.40 | $1,042.30 | $1,191.20 | $1,340.10 | $1,489.00 | $1,637.90 |
Rental Tier 2 “Low Income” |
$1,563.45 | $1,824.03 | $2,084.60 | $2,345.18 | $2,605.75 | $2,866.33 |
Rental Tier 3 “Moderate Income” |
$2,233.50 | $2,605.75 | $2,978.00 | $3,350.25 | $3,722.50 | $4,094.75 |
*Applicable tenant-paid fees and utilities are subtracted from base rents.
Table 1.b: Estimated Rents* with Assumed Fees** No Utilities Included***
Studio | 1-BR | 2-BR | 3-BR | 4-BR | 5-BR | |
Rental Tier 1 “Very Low Income” |
$597.40 | $675.30 | $694.20 | $723.10 | $744.00 | $763.90 |
Rental Tier 2 “Low Income” |
$1,267.45 | $1,457.03 | $1,587.60 | $1,728.18 | $1,860.75 | $1,992.33 |
Rental Tier 3 “Moderate Income” |
$1,937.50 | $2,238.75 | $2,481.00 | $2,733.25 | $2,977.50 | $3,220.75 |
*Final rents are based off actual project fees and applicable utility allowance deductions
**Rents described above assume $150 in applicable tenant-paid fees
***Rent figures include January 1, 2024 Somerville Housing Authority Utility Allowance Deductions for High Rise w/ electric heating, electric cooking and electric water heat. Allowances based off actual projects will apply.
Sales Prices
Table 2.a: Estimated Maximum Sales Pricing With Assumed Fees*
Studio | 1-BR | 2-BR | 3-BR | 4-BR | 5-BR | |
Own Tier 1 “Low Income” |
$159,722.70 | $193,583.21 | $226,754.03 | $278,634.43 | $311,934.90 | $344,496.90 |
Own Tier 2 “Moderate Income” |
$227,161.37 | $275,445.24 | $332,381.20 | $379,432.53 | $425,383.59 | $470,138.55 |
Own Tier 3 “Middle Income” |
$273,189.21 | $334,032.11 | $407,584.11 | $466,616.53 | $524,032.73 | $579,691.99 |
*Fees include condominium fees, homeowners insurance, estimated private mortgage insurance, taxes, parking
Table 2.b: Monthly Standard Fee Deductions for Max Sales Prices (FY 2024)
Studio | 1-BR | 2-BR | 3-BR | 4-BR | 5-BR | |
Ownership Tier 1 “Low Income” |
$523 | $568 | $618 | $560 | $608 | $661 |
Ownership Tier 2 “Moderate Income” |
$753 | $818 | $834 | $906 | $985 | $1,071 |
Ownership Tier 3 “Middle Income” |
$1,105 | $1,202 | $1,225 | $1,332 | $1,447 | $1,573 |
*Fees include condominium fees, homeowners insurance, estimated private mortgage insurance, taxes, parking
Fractional Buyout
The Housing Division has a monthly subscription to the Warren Group Data and is receiving information on all units sold in Somerville . Below are average sales prices in Somerville for FY ’23. These figures are to provide estimates for the Fractional Buyout for an ownership or rental ADU. The actual payment will be calculated at the time the payment is due.
Bedroom size | Studio | 1-BR | 2-BR | 3-BR | 4-BR |
FY ’23 Average Sales Price |
$443,058 | $611,816 | $826,792 | $1,060,318 | $1,264,904 |
The fractional buyout for an ownership or rental ADU is calculated as (A*B) where:
i. A is the amount of ADUs not provided (.2, .4, .6 or .8); and
ii. B is the difference between the average sales price of comparable market-rate units sold within the city of Somerville over the previous twelve (12) months and the sale price of an ADU in the ownership or rental price tier that would have been provided.
For Projects Permitted Under the May 6, 2016 Update to the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
The Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance for projects permitted under the May 6, 2016 update is available here.
- Base rents for apartments with affordability set at Tier R1 and Tier R2 levels are based off “LOW” and HIGH” HOME RENTS, respectively. HOME RENTS are established by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and updated on an annual basis. HOME RENTS are available on HUD Exchange.
- Base rents for apartments with affordability set at Tier R3 are 30% of a household’s income at the time of an income certification.
- Finalized rents account for deductions for tenant-paid fees and utilities. Utility deductions are based off the Somerville Housing Authority Utility Allowance chart.
Tier R1 (<50% AMI): Base rent is the “LOW” HOME RENT. The final rent is the “LOW” HOME RENT and deducts applicable fees and tenant-paid utilities.
Tier R2 (51%-80% AMI): Base rent is the “HIGH” HOME RENT. The final rent is the “HIGH” HOME RENT and deducts applicable fees and tenant-paid utilities.
Tier R3 (81%-110% AMI): Base rent is 30% of a household’s annual gross income at the time an income certification is completed. The final rent is 30% of a household’s income and deducts applicable fees and tenant-paid utilities. Because rents at Tier R3 levels are proportional to a household’s income, rent may vary depending on whether a household’s gross income is closer to 81% AMI or 110% AMI. Below includes the ranges of annualized base rents for households comprised of one (1) through six (6) persons.
Tier R3 Monthly Gross Rent Ranges
Household Size | 1-Person | 2-Person | 3-Person | 4-Person | 5-Person | 6-Person |
Monthly Gross Rent | $2,280.03 - $3,141.60 |
$2,605.03 - $3,590.40 |
$2,931.28 - $4,039.20 |
$3,256.28 - $4,488.00 |
$3,517.53 - $4,847.05 |
$3,777.53 - $5,206.08 |
Sales Pricing
The maximum sale price for an inclusionary unit shall be set at a level that allows a household at the designated Tier eighty (80) percent or one hundred ten (110) percent of Boston area median income, as the case may be, to pay no more than twenty-eight (28) percent of household income for housing costs. The maximum sales price shall be calculated as follows:
• Determine the maximum household size for an inclusionary unit based on one (1) person per bedroom (one (1) person in the case of a studio).
• Determine the maximum monthly income (MMI) for such household size, using income figures published annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for households at eighty (80) percent and one hundred ten (110) percent of Boston area median income.
• Multiply MMI by twenty-eight (28) percent.
• Subtract the estimated cost of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), Real Estate Taxes (RET), Condominium Fees (CF), Homeowners Insurance (HI) if not included in the CF, and required parking fees (PF), if any, if not included in the CF, to arrive at a maximum monthly mortgage payment (MMP).
• Calculate a maximum mortgage loan (MML) based on the MMP, assuming a 30-year term and at the then current conventional interest rate.
• Multiple the MML by 1.03 to arrive at a Maximum Sales Price (MSP) based on a ninety-seven (97) percent MML.
Most Recent Initial Sales Pricing
1-Bedroom |
2-Bedroom |
3-Bedroom |
80% AMI |
$192,438 |
$229,410 |
$281,151 |
110% AMI |
$278,649 |
$335,834 |
Small Property Additional Unit Program (SPAUP)
Effective November 21, 2023, there are no new SPAUP projects per amendment to the zoning ordinance. If you have inquiries, please reach out directly to inclusionary@somervillema.gov.
Quality Standards for Three-Bedroom Affordable Dwelling Units
Per Somerville’s Zoning Ordinance, the Housing Director has the authority to establish quality standards for three-bedroom Affordable Dwelling Units (ADUs). Current standards apply to all three-bedroom ADUs effective June 1, 2023.
Previous version:
Residential developments with thirty (30) or more units are required to provide 20% of the obligated ADUs as three-bedroom units, under Section 12.1.7 of the Somerville Zoning Ordinance.
Staff Walkthrough for Properties with Inclusionary Units
Prior to the lease up or sale of Inclusionary units, Inclusionary Program staff will need to perform a walkthrough of the building. This is typically leading up to or during the marketing of the affordable units. It entails a showing of all Inclusionary units, the project's shared spaces and amenities, as well as various comparable market rate units.
For an idea of what to expect, please review our Walkthrough Checklist.
Resources for First-Time Buyers
Homeownership Stabilization Program
The City of Somerville, through an allocation from the Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund, is beginning a Homeownership Stabilization Program Pilot. The Program will provide financial assistance to income eligible first-time homebuyers who have experienced an unanticipated increase in monthly housing payments. Information on the Program and an application are available for download below:
- Homeownership Stablization Program Policies & Procedures
- Homeownership Stablization Program Application
Ownership Informational Video
Como aplicar para a compra de unidades acessíveis em Somerville
Closing Cost and Down Payment Assistance
The Housing Division and the Affordable Housing Trust Fund offer three programs to help first-time homebuyers in the City. Each program has different rules and benefits. You must be a first-time homebuyer with an eligible income to qualify. We give preference to current residents, though anyone is welcome to apply. The three programs are:
- Closing Cost 80 Program: We’ll provide closing cost assistance up to $5,000 as a 0% interest, five-year forgivable loan.
- Down Payment Assistance 80 Program: We’ll provide down payment assistance up to 15% of the purchase price as a 0% interest, deferred payment loan.
- Closing Cost/Down Payment Assistance 110 Program: We’ll provide up to $5,000 in down payment assistance or closing costs as a 0% interest, five-year forgivable loan.
To learn more about eligibility and income limits, click here.
First-Time Homebuyer Education
There are several programs to help you learn about the home buying process. They’ll teach you how to deal with credit issues, work with a Realtor, apply for a mortgage, and more. The organizations below offer these First-Time Homebuyer classes:
- Somerville Community Corporation First-Time Homebuyer Seminar
- CHAPA Homeownership Education Workshop
- MAHA Homeownership University
Homeownership Guide
We’ve organized a list of resources for new and current homeowners. The guide includes information about loans for remodeling your house, improving energy efficiency, removing lead, and other resources. You’ll also find important information about zoning laws and permits. Click here to read the guide and learn more about your next steps as a new homeowner!
Tenant Rent and Tenancy Stabilization Programs
We work with the Somerville Homeless Coalition to help residents who are at risk of becoming homeless due to unpaid rent or utilities. We can also help with moving costs, security deposits, and other start-up costs. Our goal is to keep Somerville families stable by helping them stay in their current homes or find attainable housing. To apply, call the Somerville Homeless Coalition at (617) 623-6111.
Just-A-Start has rental assistance funding for Somerville residents. Just-A-Start provides up to $3,000 in assistance for Somerville residents who have a documented need for financial support. It can assist income eligible residents with rental arrears (must have Notice to Quit) or move in costs (Somerville only) such as SD, LMR and FMR. Please note income of household must be below 80% AMI. Funds are paid directly to the property owner. Please contact Elizabeth Winston at elizabethwinston@justastart.org and 617-918-7518 or Jamison Rudd at jamisonrudd@justastart.org and 617-918-7510 for more information about this program.
Section 8 Rentals
Section 8 is a federal program that helps very low-income families find clean and safe private apartment rentals. The assistance is given on behalf of the individual so that participants can rent privately-owned housing. This can include single-family housing, apartments, townhouses, and condos. The Somerville Housing Authority administers the Section 8 program. You can learn more here.
Housing for People With Disabilities
Under federal law, housing providers must not discriminate against people with disabilities. They must also make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. These laws apply regardless of whether the housing is public or private. For more information, contact us at (617) 625-6600 x2577.
Utility Assistance and Energy Efficiency
Also known as Fuel Assistance, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a state-run program to help families pay for winter heating bills. Eligible households may qualify to have a portion of their heating bills paid by the state. They’ll also receive a discounted rate on their utility bills. To see if you’re eligible, contact the City of Cambridge Department of Human Services at (617) 349-6252.
Weatherization Assistance Program
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) offers insulation and repairs to help families stay warm and conserve fuel in the winter. If you qualify for fuel assistance, you’ll also qualify for the WAP. For more information, call (978) 459-6161.
Resource Guide for Homeless People and Very Low-Income Families
This guide is an extensive list of resources for homeless people and those who are at risk for becoming homeless. You’ll find contact information for local shelters, transitional housing, food services, emergency funding, and more. You can read the guide here.
The Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund
The Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund helps preserve and create affordable rentals and homes in Somerville. All projects and programs benefit low to moderate income families that are at or below 110% of the area median income. The Trust makes it possible to offer many of the rental and homeownership opportunities you’ll find on this page. You can learn more about the Trust Fund here.
- Lottery Drawing Results
9 Avon Place
205 Beacon Street
72 Berkeley Street
7-11 Aldersey Street Unit 7B
Ennea (7-9 Central St)
29 Chandler Street
1252 Broadway
300 Somerville Ave & 124 College Ave
395 Alewife Brook Parkway
432 Norfolk St. Unit 2E + 411 Norfolk St. Unit 2J
126 Cross St. and 29 Alpine St.
60 Cross St. East and 109 Prospect St.
13 Alpine St., Unit 301
375 Canal St. Resale
Miscela at Assembly Row (485 Foley St.)
14 Ward St Affordable Rental Lottery
27 Cutter St. Unit 27D—2BR Condo
24 Rush Street Unit A
88 Wheatland #2
400 at Mystic & The Commons at Prospect Hill
Cedar Place (Murdock Street)
100 Fellsway West
260 Beacon Street
3 Ward Street
1119-1133 Broadway and 38 Day Street
- Previous Opportunities
Income-Restricted Homeownership Opportunity: Four (4) Condominium Units at 28 South Street and 115 Thurston Street
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne is pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership lottery for four (4) affordable condominium units at 28 South Street and 115 Thurston Street. At 28 South Street, there is one (1) 1-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1, one (1) 2-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1, and , one (1) 2-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 110% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P2. At 115 Thurston Street, there is one (1) 2-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1.
Applications will be available beginning on 10/15/2024 at 2pm and will be due on 11/14/2024 by 12pm. If you are a qualified applicant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact the Inclusionary Housing Program at inclusionary@somervillema.gov.
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Português
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Open Waitlist Opportunity for 1 Income-Restricted Unit at 400 Mystic Ave
Charlesgate Property Management LLC, in conjunction with 400 Mystic Owner LLC, are pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 400 Mystic Ave, Somerville. One (1) income restricted one-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making 110% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 6/17/2024 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Charlesgate Property Management LLC and reference “400 Mystic Ave 110%” via telephone: (857) 383-3109 or email: pod1@charlesgatepm.com
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Open waitlist opportunity for 1 income-restricted unit at 14 Ward Street
14 Ward Street LLC is pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 14 Ward Street, Somerville. One (1) income restricted two-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households earning up to 80% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 7/22/2024 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Senne’ Residential LLC and reference “14 Ward Street 80%” via telephone: (617) 661-8400 or email: rentals@sennere.com.
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Português
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Open Waitlist Opportunity for 1 Income-Restricted Unit at 400 Mystic Ave
Charlesgate Property Management LLC, in conjunction with 400 Mystic Owner LLC, are pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 400 Mystic Ave, Somerville. One (1) income restricted one-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making 110% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 6/17/2024 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Charlesgate Property Management LLC and reference “400 Mystic Ave 110%” via telephone: (857) 383-3109 or email: pod1@charlesgatepm.com
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: 9 Units at The Guild (154 Broadway)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and Broadway Investment Realty, LLC are pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for nine (9) rental units at The Guild in East Somerville, available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are seven (7) studio apartments and two (2) three-bedroom apartments available to income-eligible households at below-market rent through an application, lottery, and income-certification process.
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Affordable Rental Opportunity: Open waitlist opportunity for 1 income-restricted unit at 2-8 Broadway
2-8 Broadway, in conjunction with LaCourt Realty are pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 2-8 Broadway, Somerville. One (1) income restricted one-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making at or below 50% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 5/10/2024 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact LaCourt Realty and reference “2-8 Broadway 50%” via telephone: 617-616-5185 or email: contactus@lacourtrealty.com
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Homeownership Opportunity: One (1) Income-Restricted Condo at 9 Avon Pl.
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and OSPCD Housing are pleased to announce an income restricted re-sale homeownership lottery for one (1) income-restricted condominium unit through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program at 9 Avon Pl. #9. The unit is a three-bedroom townhouse available for purchase to households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Português
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: 2 income-restricted units at 205 Beacon St.
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and 717-719 Washington St., LLC are pleased to announce an income restricted rental lottery for two (2) income-restricted units for rent through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program at 205 Beacon St. There are two 2-bedroom units available for rent to income eligible households at affordable rents through an application, lottery, and income certification process. One apartment will be offered to households with yearly gross incomes up to Tier R1 (50% AMI) and the other apartment to households with incomes within Tier R2 (51-80% AMI).
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Affordable Homeownership Opportunity: One (1) Income-Restricted Condo at 72 Berkeley #3
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and OSPCD Housing are pleased to announce an income restricted re-sale homeownership lottery for one (1) income-restricted condominium unit through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program at 72 Berkeley #3. The unit is a two-bedroom condominium available for purchase to households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Applications will be available beginning on May 30, 2024 and are due before June 13, 2024 at 12PM. Please contact inclusionary@somervillema.gov with any questions.
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Homeownership Opportunity: Four (4) Condominium Units at 71 Bow St.
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with Bow Street Union Square, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership lottery for four (4) affordable condominium units at 71 Bow St. There are two (2) 2-bedrooms that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1. There is one (1) 1-bedroom unit plus study and one (1) two-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI at price tier P2.
The application can be filled out online here: www.71BowStreetLottery.com. Paper applications should be submitted to Maloney Properties at:
Maloney Properties, Inc.
Attn: 71 Bow Street Lottery
27 Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA 02481
71Bow@MaloneyProperties.comInformation and Application Packet
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Homeownership Opportunity: (1) Condominium Unit 7-11 Aldersey Street
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and 7-11 Aldersey Street, LLC are pleased to announce an income restricted homeownership lottery for one (1) income-restricted condominium unit for sale through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program at 7-11 Aldersey Street. The unit is a three-bedroom condominium available for purchase to households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). Applications will be available beginning on 2/1/2024 and are due before 3/1/2024 at 12 PM. The second open house for 7-11 Aldersey will take place on Saturday, February 10th from 11 AM to 1 PM.
Application Packet
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Eleven (11) Income-Restricted Rental Units at 346 Somerville Ave
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and JMC/STM Union Square LLC are pleased to announce an Income-Restricted Rental Lottery for eleven (11) income-restricted apartments for rent at Union 346 in Somerville’s Union Square Neighborhood available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are four (4) studio apartments, three (3) one-bedroom apartments, one (1) two-bedroom apartment, and three (3) three-bedroom apartments, available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Info Packs
Affordable Rental Opportunity: Open waitlist opportunity for 2 income-restricted units at 315 Broadway
315 Broadway, in conjunction with Micozzi Management are pleased to announce “Two (2) Income Restricted Rental Units & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 315 Broadway, Somerville. One (1) income restricted two-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making at or below 50% of the Area Median Income and One (1) income restricted two-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 12/11/2023 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Micozzi Management and reference “315 Broadway 50%” or “315 Broadway 80%” via telephone: 617-254-5576 ex 112 or email: eburkart@micozzimanagement.com
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Eight (8) income-restricted rental units at Ennea (7-9 Central Street)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with 7-9 Central Street, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for eight (8) affordable rental units at 7-9 Central Street AKA Ennea available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are two (2) studio apartments, one (1) 1-bedroom apartment, three (3) 2-bedroom apartments and two (2) 3-bedroom apartments available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
Applications may be completed online. Paper applications should be submitted to Maloney Properties at:
Maloney Properties, Inc.
Attn: Ennea Lottery
27 Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA 02481
Information and Application Packet
- English
- Español
- Portugues
- नेपाली
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Open waitlist opportunity for 1 income-restricted unit at 315 Broadway
315 Broadway, in conjunction with Micozzi Management are pleased to announce "One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity" at 315 Broadway, Somerville. One (1) income restricted one-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 8/28/2023 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Micozzi Management and reference "315 Broadway 80%" via telephone: 617-254-5576 ex 112 or email: eburkart@micozzimanagement.com
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: One (1) Rental Unit at 29 Chandler Street
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with LaCourt Orphanage Trust, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for one (1) unit at 29 Chandler St. The 2-bedroom unit at 29 Chandler St. will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI. The deadline for applications is November 9, 2023, at 2 PM.
Info Packs
Income-Restricted Rental Opportunity: Open Waitlist Opportunity for 1 Income-restricted Unit at 400 Mystic Ave
Charlesgate Property Management LLC, in conjunction with 400 Mystic Owner LLC are pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 400 Mystic Ave, Somerville. One (1) income restricted one-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making 110% of the Area Median Income.
Applications will be available beginning on 6/17/2024 at 2pm. If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please contact Charlesgate Property Management LLC and reference “400 Mystic Ave 110%” via telephone: (857) 383-3109 or email: pod1@charlesgatepm.comFlyers
- English
- Español
- Portugues
- नेपाली
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
ADA Flyers
Affordable Rental Opportunity: One (1) Income-Restricted Unit at 175 Beacon Street
Beacon Apartments LLC, in conjunction with Jet Realty are pleased to announce “One (1) Income Restricted Rental Unit & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 175 Beacon Street, Somerville. One (1) income restricted two-bedroom unit will be accepting applications to its waitlist for households making at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
If you are a qualified tenant that meets the requirements listed in the below advertisements and would like to apply, please email Jet Realty at jetrealty@mac.com.
Affordable Homeownership Opportunity: One (1) Income-Restricted Condo for Sale at 1252 Broadway
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with 1252 Broadway Somerville, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership lottery for one (1) affordable condominium unit at 1252 Broadway. There is one (1) 2-bedroom that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1.
Info Packs
Two (2) Income-Restricted Rental Apartments at 300 Somerville Ave. and 124 College Ave
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with both 300 Somerville Ave Realty, LLC and Lacourt Realty, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for two (2) affordable rental units at 300 Somerville Ave and 124 College Ave. Both units are 2-bedroom units that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 50% AMI.
Information and Application PacketFlyers
Affordable Rental Opportunity: Ninety (90) Income-Restricted Rental Units at Prospect Union Square (20-50 Prospect St.)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with Union Square RELP D2.2 Owner, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for ninety (90) affordable rental units at 20-50 Prospect Street AKA Prospect Union Square available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are twenty-seven (27) studio apartments, thirty-two (32) 1-bedroom apartments, seventeen (17) 2-bedroom apartments and fourteen (14) 3-bedroom apartment available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
Applications may be completed online. Paper applications should be submitted to Maloney Properties at: Maloney Properties, Inc.
Attn: Prospect Lottery
27 Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA 02481
ProspectUnionSquare@MaloneyProperties.comInformation and Application Packet
- English
- Español
- Portugues
- नेपाली
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Affordable Rental Opportunity: Four (4) Income-Restricted Rental Units at Highland Commons and 434 McGrath Highway
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and The Prospect Commons, in conjunction with Highland Commons are pleased to announce “FOUR (4) Affordable Rental Units & Open Waitlist Opportunity” at 373 Highland Ave. and 434 McGrath Highway, Somerville. Highland Commons, located at 373 Highland Ave. in Somerville, will have an open waitlist opportunity for ONE (1) 2BR unit designated at 80% of AMI. The Prospect Commons, located at 434 McGrath Highway in Somerville, will have an open waitlist opportunity for ONE (1) 1BR unit designated at 50% AMI and ONE (1) 2BR unit designated at 80% of AMI.
Consolidated Rental Waitlist – Informational PresentationThe upcoming Consolidated Rental Waitlist will allow households to submit a single application to be added to the waitlist for Inclusionary rental units. This waitlist includes access to most newly constructed Inclusionary rentals, as well as vacancies of existing Inclusionary units at properties without an active waitlist.
Slides from our series of info sessions can be found below:Affordable Homeownership Opportunity: Four (4) Income-Restricted Condos for Sale at The Parkway 395 (395 Alewife Brook Parkway)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with 395 ABP, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership lottery for four (4) affordable condominium units at 395 Alewife Brook Parkway aka The Parkway 395. There are two (2) 2-bedrooms plus den that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1. There is one (1) 1-bedroom unit plus den and one (1) two-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI at price tier P2.
Info Packs
Affordable Rental Opportunity: Forty-One (41) Income-Restricted Rental Units at Arris (20 Inner Belt Rd. & 56 Roland St.)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with CPC-T Inner Belt, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for forty-one (41) affordable rental units at 20 Inner Belt Rd. & 56 Roland St. AKA Arris available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are eight (8) studio apartments, eighteen (18) 1-bedroom apartments, fourteen (14) 2-bedroom apartments and one (1) 3-bedroom apartment available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
Applications may be completed online. Paper applications should be submitted to Maloney Properties at:
Maloney Properties, Inc.
Attn: Arris Lottery
27 Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA 02481
Information and Application Packet
- English
- Español
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
346 Union: Eighteen (18) Income-Restricted Studio and One (1) Bedroom Rental Units at 346 Somerville Ave, Somerville
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and JMC/STM Union Square LLC are pleased to announce an Income-Restricted Rental Lottery for eighteen (18) income-restricted apartments for rent at 346 Union in Somerville’s Union Square Neighborhood available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are fifteen (15) studio apartments and three (3) 1-bedroom apartments, available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
Info Packs
Affordable Rental Opportunity: One (1) Income-Restricted Rental Unit at 29 Alpine Street
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with SKEFFINGTON-SILVA PROPERTIES, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for one (1) affordable rental units at 29 Alpine St. There is one (1) 2-bedroom unit at 29 Alpine St. that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% MFI and 110% MFI.
Affordable Homeownership Opportunity: Three (3) Income-Restricted Condos for Sale at The Post (124 Highland Ave.)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with 124 Highland Ave. LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership lottery for three (3) affordable condominium units at 124 Highland Ave. aka The Post. There is one (1) one-bedroom plus den and one (1) 2-bedroom that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1. There is one (1) 2-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI at price tier P2.
Applications may be completed online. Paper applications should be submitted to Maloney Properties at:
Maloney Properties, Inc.
Attn: The Post Lottery
27 Mica Lane, Wellesley, MA 02481
ThePost@MaloneyProperties.comInformation and Application Packet
Affordable Homeownership Opportunity: Two (2) Income-Restricted Homeownership Condos at 411 Norfolk St. and 432 Norfolk St.
The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) are pleased to announce the resale of two (2) deed-restricted condominium(s) to an income eligible, first-time homebuyer household at a below market price through the City’s Inclusionary Housing Program. There is one (1) 3-bedroom unit at 411 Norfolk St. Unit 2J that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI and there is one (1) 1-bedroom unit at 432 Norfolk St. Unit 2E that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI.
Information and Application Packet
Two (2) Income-Restricted Rental Apartments at 126 Cross St. and 29 Alpine St.
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with SKEFFINGTON-SILVA PROPERTIES, LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted rental lottery for two (2) affordable rental units at 126 Cross St. and 29 Alpine St. There is one (1) 4-bedroom unit at 126 Cross St. that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 50% MFI and there is one (1) 2-bedroom unit at 29 Alpine St. that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% MFI and 110% MFI.
- English
- Español
- Kreyol Ayisyen
- नेपाली
- Portugues
- 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
- 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
- Info Packet
- Info Packet Fillable
Affordable Homeownership Opportunity: Eleven (11) Income-Restricted Condominiums at 60 Cross St. East and 109 Prospect St.
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne, in collaboration with 60 Cross Street Investment LLC and 109-11 Prospect Street Somerville LLC, is pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership lottery for eleven (11) affordable condominium units between 60 Cross St. East (9 units) and 109 Prospect St (2 units). There is one (1) studio unit, two (2) 1-bedroom units, two (2) 2-bedroom units and one (1) 3-bedroom unit that will be offered to households with an annual gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1. There is one (1) studio unit, two (2) 1-bedroom units and two (2) 2-bedroom units that will be offered to households with an annual gross income between 81% AMI and 110% AMI at price tier P2.
- Flyer - English
- Flyer - Spanish
- Flyer - Haitian Creole
- Flyer - Nepali
- Info Packet
- Info Packet Fillable
Inclusionary Rental Opportunity: Sixty-six (66) Income Restricted Rental Apartments Available at Alta Revolution, Assembly Row (50%, 80% & 110% AMI)
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and Wood Partners are pleased to announce a Rental Lottery for sixty-six (66) Income-Restricted Units at Alta Revolution, located at 290 Revolution Drive in Somerville, MA. The first units will be ready in December 2022. Alta Revolution is a 329 unit rental apartment complex located on 290 Revolution Drive in Assembly Row in Somerville. Twenty-five (25) of these apartments will be rented to households with incomes at or below 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI), twenty-five (25) different apartments will be rented to households with incomes between 50% and 80% AMI, and sixteen (16) different apartments will be rent to households with incomes between 80% and 110% AMI. The Waiting Lists will be established by lottery held on Oct 12, 2022.
Open application period is August 11th – September 12th at 2:00pm.
Information packets
Applications are available both online and in paper format. Online applications may be submitted here: Alta Revolution Lottery Application (jotform.com). For any questions about the online application or paper applications, please email AltaRevolution@sebhousing.com
Paper applications are available below:
One (1) Affordable Homeownership Unit at 13 Alpine St. Unit 301
The Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) and APRES SKI, LLC are pleased to announce an income-restricted homeownership opportunity at 13 Alpine St. for income-eligible households with a combined annual gross income at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
375 Canal St. #602 (Alloy at Assembly Row) - One (1) Bedroom Income-Restricted RE-SALE Homeownership Opportunity (EXPIRED)
The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD) and Street Retail Inc. are pleased to announce the resale of one (1) deed-restricted condominium(s) to an income eligible, first-time homebuyer household at a below market price through the City’s Inclusionary Housing Program. 375 Canal St. Unit #602 is a 1 BR unit and will be offered to a household with a yearly gross income at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) at price tier P1.
Inclusionary Rental Opportunity: Thirty-one (31) Income-Restricted Rental Apartments Available @ Miscela, Assembly Row (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Federal Realty Investment Trust are pleased to announce an Income-Restricted Rental Lottery for thirty-one (31) income-restricted apartments for rent at Miscela in Assembly Square available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There are five (5) studio apartments, sixteen (16) 1-bedroom apartments, eight (8) 2- bedroom apartments, one (1) 3-bedroom apartment, and one (1) 4-bedroom apartment are available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
Information and Application Packets
Lottery Applications
Four (4) Income-Restricted Rental Apartments Available @ 14 Ward Street (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and 14 Ward Street LLC are pleased to announce four (4) income-restricted apartments for rent at 14 Ward St., Somerville available through the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing Program. There is one (1) 1-bedroom apartment, two (2) 2-bedroom apartments and a 3-bedroom apartment available for rent to income eligible households at below market rent through an application, lottery and income certification process.
- 14 Ward Street Floor Plans
- 14 Ward Street Information and Application Packet
- 14 Ward Street Information and FILLABLE Application Packet
Affordable Housing Alerts: Sign Up Now
Somerville Community Corp. (SCC) Artist-Restricted Rental Opportunity @ Metro 9 (EXPIRED)SCC owns and manages 5 affordable apartments designated for certified artist located in the Metro 9 development at 9 Medford St. in Somerville. We are now accepting applications from income-eligible, certified artists for a one-bedroom apartment (unit 706) that is currently available and to create a waitlist for the 4 other artist apartments that will become available in the future.
Visit SCC's website for more information on this housing opportunity and to access applications.
Click here for more information regarding artist certifications.
27 Cutter St. Unit 27D—2BR Condo (EXPIRED)
For more information on this property, visit https://santanapropertiesteam.com/27d-cutter-st/
24 Rush St. Unit A- 1 BR Condo. (EXPIRED)
- 24 Rush St. #A Floor Plans
- Website to the specific unit: 24rushstreetunita.com
- Link to the development website: https://www.24rushstreet.com/
- MHC course directory: https://www.chapa.org/housing-courses/homebuyer-workshops
163 Glen St. Income-Restricted Homeownership Opportunity (EXPIRED)
The Somerville Community Corporation is pleased to announce the sale of eight (8) deed restricted condominiums to income eligible, first-time homebuyer households at a below market price with support from the City of Somerville Community Preservation Act. The units will be offered to eligible households earning 80% to 110% of the Area Median Income (AMI) through a pre-application and lottery process.
There will be seven two bedroom units and one three bedroom unit. The building is located near Union Square and is very close to the future Washington Street Green Line Stop. The application is due on Thursday, November 19th at 5pm and is available in English, Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Spanish. Please visit here for the applications and additional information. There will be a virtual information session at 6:00-8:00PM on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 if you have further questions. You can join using the following Zoom link:
View Ads:
88 Wheatland #2 Income-Restricted RE-SALE Homeownership Opportunity (EXPIRED)
Inclusionary Rental Opportunity: Eleven (11) Income-Restricted Rental Apartments Available at 400@Mystic & The Commons at Prospect Hill (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Cedar Development, LLC & Prospect Commons, LLC are pleased to announce eleven (11) income-restricted apartments for rent at 400 Mystic Ave. and 434 McGrath Hwy., Somerville available through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program. Four (4) 1BR and seven (7) 2BR apartments will be offered to income-eligible households at or below market-rate prices through an application and lottery process. Please visit https://www.400mystic.com/ and https://www.theprospectcommons.com/ to learn more about these properties.
Inclusionary Rental ALERT: Eight (8) Income-Restricted Rental Apartments Available @CALA, 1060 Broadway (EXPIRED)
Inclusionary Homeownership Opportunity: Four (4) Income-Restricted Condos at Cedar Place (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Cedar Murdock Partners, LLC are pleased to announce four (4) income-restricted condos available for purchase through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program, located at Cedar Place in Somerville (17-25 Murdock Street). Two and three-bedroom condos. will be offered to income-eligible households at below-market-rate prices via an application and lottery process. Please visit cedarplacesomervillema.com to learn more about this property.
Below are ads in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Haitian Creole (Nepali to come) that share dates and times of the open application period, open houses, information sessions and deadlines. The ads provide information about income requirements, unit descriptions & sales pricing, amenities and instructions on where information & application packets are available and methods of submission.
Please direct any inquiries regarding this opportunity to inclusionary@somervillema.gov or to 617-625-6600 ext. 2584.
View Ads:
Inclusionary Rental Opportunity: Two (2)-Bedroom Apartment @ 100 Fellsway West, Somerville (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development (OSPCD), in collaboration with the Craig Corporation are pleased to announce the affordable rental opportunity for one (1) rental apartment at 100 Fellsway West, Somerville. The apartment is available for rent through the Inclusionary Housing Program via an application and lottery process for income-eligible households with a combined gross income that meets the income eligibility requirements detailed below.
Preferences will be provided to households who currently reside or work full time in Somerville (32 hours or more per week) and provide current verification dated within the last thirty days from the date a complete application is submitted.
Address Unit Type Tier Rent* No. of Bedrooms No. of Bathrooms Approx. Size
(Sq. Ft.)
Minimum Household Size 100 Fellsway West No. 303 2 $1,391 2 1 952 2 *Gas heating, electric cooking, electricity and water/sewage bills are paid separately by tenants and not included in rent
Household Size Tier 2: Minimum and Maximum Annual Gross Income Limits** 1 NOT ELIGIBLE 2 $47,401 - $71,400 3 $53,351 - $80,300 4 $59,251 - $89,200 5 $64,001 - $96,350 6 $68,751 - $103,500 **Minimum income requirement waived for households with MRVP, Section 8, PASS or other mobile rental voucher
*** Head of household cannot be full-time student; other eligibility requirements apply.
100 Fellsway West is a four story building with 19 residential units. Apartment 303 is on the third floor and includes an outdoor parking space as well as an in-unit hookup for a laundry machine and dryer.
Additional restrictions apply for the apartment available through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program including: 1) the head of household cannot be a full time student and 2) an asset limit of $250,000 excluding restricted retirement, college savings and health plans. Inclusionary units must be the household’s primary principal residence. The units cannot be subleased; rooms cannot be placed on AirBnB or similar websites. Households who move into these units are subject to annual income re-certifications to ensure their continued eligibility.
Interested applicants should prepare to proceed with an income certification after the lottery if their number is selected first from the lottery wheel; the Housing Division recommends households begin to collect their: 1) 2018 Federal Tax Returns (all pages and schedules), W2s and 1099s, and 2) the most recent three (3) months of all income and all asset (ex. Bank, Venmo/ Paypal statements) statements. The City reserves the right to request more income/asset information during the income certification.
The Housing Division will host an information session to review income and asset eligibility requirements, the application, lottery process and restrictions. The first information session will take place at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 in the third floor Community Room of the Visiting Nurses Association (VNA), 259 Lowell St. in Somerville.
Pre-lottery information and application packets will be available starting Monday, October 28, 2019 through 2 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. October 28, information and pre-lottery applications can also be printed from the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program website or picked up at the City Hall Annex located at 50 Evergreen Ave., City Hall located at 93 Highland Ave., and the Somerville Public Library branches. Complete pre-lottery applications must be submitted and received by the Housing Division located on the first floor of the Somerville City Hall Annex at 50 Evergreen Ave. by 2 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Applications must be completed and signed by all adult household members. Applicants must write “N/A” in sections that do not apply and should not leave any part of their application blank. Incomplete and late application will not be accepted. Applications submitted late, by piece-meal or in screen shots.
Complete and eligible pre-lottery applications received before the deadline will be included in the lottery scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 11 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall. Applicants do not need to attend the lottery to proceed with an income certification. The lottery will be available to watch on Youtube at SomervilleCityTV. The winner will be notified immediately after the lottery and will have five business days to submit initial income and asset documents. Lottery results will be posted on the City of Somerville Inclusionary Housing website by Tuesday, December 3, 2019.
Complete applications can be submitted via email to inclusionary@somervillema.gov, via fax at 617-591-3235, or mail and in person at the Annex. The Housing Division is open from Monday-Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you have any additional questions regarding this opportunity please contact Andres Bueno at 617-625-6600 ext. 2584.
The City of Somerville is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability or any other protected category. Women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov.
Inclusionary Homeownership Opportunity: 260 Beacon Street, Somerville (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and 260 Beacon, LLC are pleased to announce two (2) income-restricted condos available for purchase through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program, located at 260 Beacon Street, Somerville. Two 2.5 bedroom condos. will be offered to income-eligible households at below-market-rate prices via an application and lottery process. Please visit https://beacon260.com/ to learn more about this property.
Information and Application Packets will be first accessible starting at 11AM on Thursday September 19th, 2019 at the first (1st) information session. Then, starting Monday September 23rd, 2019, application materials will be available on the Inclusionary Housing Program webpage, at the Somerville Public Library branches, City Hall and the City Hall Annex.
Information and Application Packet
Starting Monday September 23, 2019, hard copies of the Information Packet will be available at Somerville City Hall, Somerville’s Housing Division and the Somerville Public Libraries (East and Main Branch).
Unit Descriptions
Address Unit Type Tier Sales Prices* Monthly Condo Fee** No. of BRs & Bathrooms Approx. Size
(Sq. Ft.)
Minimum Household Size 260 Beacon Street No. 203 2 $177,435 $75 2.5 1,524 2 No. 206 3 $256,805 $106 1,532 *One deeded parking space in garage per unit is included in the price.
**Condo fees are set by the Condo Association and are subject to change after initial year.
Income Eligibility Requirements
Gross Annual Income Eligibility Requirements Adjusted by Household Size Household Size Unit 203 (2BR)
Tier 2
Unit No. 206 (2BR)
Tier 3
2 $71,400 $71,401 - $99,750 3 $80,300 $80,301 - $112,200 4 $89,200 $89,201 - $124,630 5 $96,350 $96,351 - $134,650 6 $103,500 $103,501 - $144,600 Head of household cannot be full-time student; Units subject to Affordable Housing Restriction in perpetuity, other restrictions may apply.
All applicants should attend an information session and read the Information/Application Packet before submitting an application.
IMPORTANT DATES INFORMATION SESSIONS Date & Time Location Thursday September 19th, 2019 at 11AM Visiting Nurse Association of Eastern Massachusetts (VNA)
Thursday October 17th, 2019 at 6PM East Somerville Community School (ESCS) Auditorium
50 Cross Street, Somerville, MA 02145
Please use Cross Street Entrance
OPEN HOUSES Tuesday September 24th, 2019
260 Beacon Street
Somerville, MA 02143
Saturday October 19th, 2019
APPLICATION DEADLINE Monday November 18th, 2019 at 2PM Applications must be completed and delivered before 2PM
to the Housing Division at 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville, MA 02145
Faxed to: 617-591-3235 or
Emailed to: inclusionary@somervillema.gov
Late, incomplete or applications submitted in piecemeal, will not be entered into the lottery.
Applications sent to other emails or faxes will not be accepted.
LOTTERY Monday, December 23rd, 2019 at 3PM City Hall Councilor Chambers @ 93 Highland Ave., Somerville
or viewed on Youtube.com/SomervilleCityTV
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or nsalamoun@somervillema.gov.
2 Income Restricted Rental Apartments at 3 Ward Street (Deadline Expired 9/30/19)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Block Properties, LLC are pleased to announce two (2) income-restricted apartments available for rent through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program, located at 3 Ward Street, Somerville (commercial address is 44 Medford Street). A studio and a three (3)-bedroom apartment will be offered to income-eligible households at below market-rate rents via an application and lottery process.
Information and Application Packets will be first accessible starting at 11AM on Thursday August 1, 2019 at the first (1st) information session. Then, starting Monday August 5th, 2019, application materials will be available on the Inclusionary Housing Program webpage, at the Somerville Public Library branches, City Hall and the City Hall Annex.
Information Flyers
Unit Descriptions
Address Unit Type Tier # of Units available Rent* No. of
Approx. Size Floor No. of People in Household 3 Ward Street Studio (Unit 303) 1 1 $917 1 679 sq. ft. 3rd 1-2 Persons 3BR
(Unit 204)
2 1 $1,728 2 1,260 sq. ft. 2nd 3-6 Persons *Tenants pay electric heating, gas cooking and hot water. Applicable pet ($25) and parking fees ($75) are deducted from rent
Income Eligibility Requirements
Gross Annual Income Range Requirements** Adjusted by Household Size Household Size*** Unit 303 (Studio)
Tier 1 (<50% AMI)
Unit 204 (3BR)
Tier 2 (51%-80% AMI)
1 $24,888 -$41,500 N/A 2 $24,888-$47,400 N/A 3 N/A $53,351-$80,300 4 N/A $59,251-$89,200 5 N/A $64,001-$96,350 6 N/A $68,751-$103,500 **Minimum income requirement waived for households with MRVP, Section 8, PASS or other mobile rental voucher
*** Head of household cannot be full-time student; other eligibility requirements apply.
All applicants should attend an information session and read the Information/Application Packet before submitting an application
IMPORTANT DATES Information Sessions Date & Time Location Thursday, August 1st, 2019 at 11AM Visiting Nurse Association of Eastern Massachusetts (VNA)
Thursday, September 12th, 2019
at 6PM
The Armory
Late or incomplete applications will not be entered into the lottery.
Applications sent to other emails or faxes will not be accepted.
Your application should be submitted as one document (no screenshots or submission of individual pages)
Application Deadline Monday, September 30th, 2019 at 2PM Applications must be completed and delivered before 2PM to the
Housing Division at 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville, MA 02145
Faxed to: 617-591-3235 or
Emailed to: inclusionary@somervillema.gov
Lottery Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 at 11AM City Hall Councilor Chambers located
at 93 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02143
or viewed on Youtube.com/SomervilleCityTV
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or nsalamoun@somervillema.gov.
2 Income-Restricted Rental Apartments At 1119-1133 Broadway and 38 Day Street (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, Shree Ganesh Realty Trust & Darin Associates are pleased to announce two (2) income-restricted apartments located at 1119-1133 Broadway and 38 Day Street, Somerville. The two (2) one-bedroom (1BR) apartments will be offered to income-eligible households at an affordable rent via an application and lottery process through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program.
Information and Application Packets will be first accessible starting 6:30PM Thursday, May 9, 2019 at the first (1st) information session. Starting Monday May 13th, 2019, application materials will be available on the Inclusionary Housing Program webpage, at all three (3) public libraries, City Hall and City Hall Annex.
Information Flyers and Application
Unit Descriptions
Address Unit No. & Type Rent* No. of Bathrooms Approx. Size (Sq. Ft.) 1119-1133 Broadway No. 8 1BR $874 1 588 38 Day Street Unit C 1BR $874 1 390 *Rent does not include electricity and gas
Income Eligibility Requirements
Household Size* Annual Gross Income Range Requirement**
Adjusted by Household Size
1 $24,264-$37,750 2 $24,264-$43,150 3 $24,264-$48,550 *Both head of households cannot be full-time students, other eligibility requirements may also apply.
**Minimum income requirement waived for households with rental vouchers
All applicants should attend an information session and read the information packet before submitting an application
Important Dates
Date & Time Location Thursday, May 9th, 2019 at 6:30 PM East Somerville Community School Auditorium:
50 Cross Street Somerville, MA 02145
(Cross Street entrance)
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
at 11:00 AM
Visiting Nurse Association of Eastern Massachusetts (VNA)
Late or incomplete applications will not be entered into the lottery.
Applications sent to other emails or faxes will not be accepted.
Application Deadline Monday, July 8th, 2019 at 2PM Applications must be completed and delivered by 2PM
to the Housing Division at
Somerville, MA 02145,
Faxed to: 617-591-3235 or
Emailed to: inclusionary@somervillema.gov
Lottery Thursday, July 25th, 2019 at 11AM City Hall Aldermanic Chambers located
@ 93 Highland Ave., Somerville
or viewed on Youtube.com/SomervilleCityTV
Lottery Drawing Results
3 Income-Restricted Homeownership Condos. At Rail & Glass (EXPIRED)
An affordable housing lottery for Rail & Glass Condominiums was held at Somerville City Hall on March 28, 2019. View the lottery drawing and results below.
Rail & Glass Lottery List for Unit 205- 3BR at 80.pdf
Affordable Rental Opportunities at 131 Orchard St. (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Lacourt Enterprises, LLC. are pleased to announce two (2) affordable rental units located at the Chadwick in Davis The Chadwick is a 28 unit, four-story brick building with an elevator located at 131 Orchard Street. Two (2) units, including a one-bedroom and a two-bedroom, will be offered to income-qualified households at an affordable rent via an application and lottery process through the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Housing Program.
Unit 31 for households with incomes 51% - 80% AMI
How many persons are in your household?
Is your household’s gross annual
income between the ranges below?*Monthly Rent: $1,031**
$37,751 - $56,800
$43,151 - $64,900
$48,551 - $73,000
2 BR
Unit B1 for households with incomes at or below 50% AMI
How many persons are in your household?
Is your household’s gross annual
income between the ranges below?*Monthly Rent: $1,202**
$20,280 - $43,150
$20,280 - $48,550
$20,280 - $53,900
*Minimum incomes are not applicable to Section 8 or other voucher holders
**Rents do not include the cost of electricity, heat is electric
Application Timeline
- Open Application Begins: After the conclusion of the 1st Info. Session.
- 1st Info. Session: 6:30PM, Thursday, October 4, 2018 @ East Somerville Community School (ESCS) Auditorium located at 50 Cross Street in Somerville
- 2nd Info. Session: 10:30AM, Wednesday, November 7, 2018 @ Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) 4th Floor located at 405 Alewife Brook Pkwy. in Somerville (please park at Dilboy Field)
- Application Deadline: 2:30PM, Monday, December 3, 2018 at 50 Evergreen Ave. in Somerville
- Lottery Date: 10:30AM, Monday, December 17, 2018 @ Aldermanic Chambers City Hall located at 93 Highland Ave. Somerville
If you have any other questions please contact Andres Bueno, Program Specialist at 617-625-6600 ext.2584 or abueno@somervillema.gov.
3 Income-Restricted Homeownership Condos at Rail & Glass (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Rail and Glass, LLC are pleased to announce three (3) income-restricted condos located at 25-37 Woodbine Street. Units will be ready for occupancy upon purchase. Applications are only available between Jan. 10th at 6:30 PM to March 11th 2019 at 2 p.m.
At the conclusion of the first info session on Jan. 10th, applications will be available at somervillema.gov at City Hall, the Somerville Public Libraries and at the Housing Division Office.
For more information on Rail and Glass visit www.railandglass.com to view information about the amenities, floor plans, and development in general.
Unit # & Type Sales Price* Monthly Condo Fee # Bathrooms Approx. Size (Sq. Ft.) Min. Household Size 80% Area Median Income (AMI) Units
101 2 BR $176,269 $72 1 1,020 2 205 3 BR $201,789 $74 2 1,352 3 81-110% AMI Unit
204 2 BR $250,113 $102 2 1,166 2 *One deeded parking space in garage per unit is included in the price
**Condo fees are set by the Condo Association after initial year and are subject to changeGross Annual Income Ranges
(Adjusted by Household Size and Unit
Household Size Units 101 & 205 set at 80% AMI Unit No. 204 set at 81-110% AMI 2 (Not eligible for Unit 205) $64,900 $64,901 - $94,864 3 $73,000 $73,001 – $106,800
44 $81,100 $81,001 - $118,580
55 $87,600 $81,001 - $118,580
5Both head of households cannot be full-time students; units subject to Affordable Housing Restriction in perpetuity, other restrictions may apply. Please refer to information packet and application for more information.
Applicants are highly encouraged to attend an information session and open house before
submitting an application.Info Sessions: No. 1-Thurs. Jan. 10, 2019 6:30PM: ESCS Auditorium @ 50 Cross Street, Somerville (Cross St. entrance) No. 2- Wed. Feb. 6, 2019 11AM- 12PM: VNA @ 259 Lowell Street, Somerville
Open Houses: No.1- Sat. Jan. 12 at 10AM-12PM & No. 2- Tues. Feb. 12 at 6PM-8PM @ 25-37 Woodbine Street, Somerville
All households must submit a valid first-time homebuyer’s training class certificate OR proof of current enrollment in a firsttime homebuyer’s training class ending before May 15th 2019 AND a mortgage pre-approval letter incl. an interest rate/range valid through the lottery date.
Application Deadline: Applications must be completed and delivered before 2PM on Monday March 11, 2019 to the City
of Somerville Housing Division at 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville, MA 02145, faxed to 617-666-8035 or emailed to:
inclusionary@somervillema.govLate or incomplete applications will not be entered into the lottery. Applications sent to other emails will not be
accepted.Lottery: Mon. March 28, 2019 at 11AM @ the City Hall Aldermanic Chambers located @ 93 Highland Ave., Somerville or viewed at www.youtube.com/SomervilleCityTV
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Manager of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or nsalamoun@somervillema.gov
Resale of Income-Restricted 2-Bedroom Condo at 50 Bow St. (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and the Office of Strategic Planning & Community Development (OSPCD) are pleased to announce the RESALE of a 2-bedroom condo at 50 Bow Street, available for homeownership to an income-eligible households between 81% and 110% AMI at an affordable price of $260,627 through the City of Somerville's Inclusionary Housing Program.
Applications are accessible at:
- The Information Session or Open Houses (see details below);
- This link
- City Hall Annex located at 50 Evergreen Ave, City Hall and all City of Somerville Public Library branches
50 Bow St. #3 is a 2 bedroom garden unit that is 957 sq. ft. located in Union Square. This unit will be offered to income eligible, ready buyers who can enter into a Purchase and Sales Agreement within 15 days after the City certifies income eligibility. Interested buyers should be ready to proceed and meet the income eligibility guidelines. This property is Deed Restricted and the sale price is set by formula. Buyers of this unit will be subject to the same equity and resale provisions.
Unit #3
Sale Price of $260,627
957 sq. ft. Two bedroom unit with one bathroom
estimated monthly condo fee of $178.02 (subject to annual changes)Review this flyer for qualification details:
Information Session
Monday, Oct. 29 12:30-1:30PM in the Auditorium of the Somerville Public Library Central Branch located at 79 Highland Ave., Somerville on the 1st floor across from the circulation desk
Open House Dates
50 Bow Street on Sunday, Nov. 4: 11:30AM-1:30PM AND Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 6:00-8:00PM
Application Deadline
Thursday, Nov. 8th at 6:30 PM at 50 Evergreen Ave. Somerville, MA
Monday, Nov. 26 at 11:00AM at City Hall Aldermanic Chambers at 93 Highland Ave., Somerville
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must be income eligible, first-time homebuyers.
- Minimum household of two (2) persons. Both co-head of households cannot be full-time students.
- May not rent out, sublet or Airbnb unit under any circumstance.
- The unit must be used as the buyers’ primary and principal residence and is subject to annual monitoring.
- Deed Restrictions regarding equity and re-sale of the unit will apply.
Application & Lottery Process
- Applications must be complete and submitted to the Housing Division, along with a: I) mortgage pre-approval for a 30-year fixed rate standard mortgage including an interest rate or interest range, II) a copy of a valid first time homebuyer certificate or proof of enrollment in a first time homebuyers training class ending before Nov. 30th 2018
- Eligible households will be notified of their participation in the lottery ahead of the lottery via email.
- The first household pulled at the time of lottery must submit the most recent three (3) months of all income, asset statements and the last three (3) years of federal tax returns; additional documents may be requested.
- The City’s Housing Division will issue a Proceed Letter to an eligible household.
Application Deadline
Applications must be completed and delivered before 10:30 AM on Friday, October 26, 2018 to the City of Somerville Housing Division at 50 Evergreen Ave., Somerville, MA 02145 or emailed to abueno@somervillema.gov or ipcabadas@somervillema.gov, Late applications cannot be considered.
For additional questions or eligibility requirements, please go to somervillema.gov or contact Andres Bueno at 617-625-6600 x 2584 or abueno@somervillema.gov.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s Manager of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or nsalamoun@somervillema.gov.
Alcalde Joseph A. Curtatone y la Oficina de Planeamiento Estratégico y Desarollo de la Comunidad (OSPCD) se complacen en anunciar la REVENTA de un condominio en 50 Bow Street a un hogar que es comprador por primera vez y elegible por ingresos, a un precio económico de $260,627 ofrecido por el programa de Viviendas Inclusivas de la Ciudad de Somerville.
Solicitudes NO ESTÁN disponibles antes del 29 de Octubre. Solicitudes estarán disponibles por:- Sesión informative y las Casas Abiertas (detalles abajo);
- https://www.somervillema.gov/departments/programs/inclusionary-housing-program;
- City Hall Annex ubicado en 50 Evergreen Ave, City Hall y las Bibliotecas Públicas de Somerville
50 Bow St. #3, Union Square es una unidad de 2 cuartos y de nível jardín con una área de 957 p2. Esta unidad será ofrecida a compradores preparados por primera vez y con ingresos elegibles que puedan entrar en un Acuerdo de Compra y Venta en 15 días siguiendo la certificación de elegibilidad por el Departamento de Viviendas de La Ciudad de Somerville. Compradores interesados deben estar preparados para proceder y cumplir con las restricciones y requísitos de elegibilidad de ingreso. Compradores de esta unidad serán sujetos a las mismas disposiciones de valor de la vivienda y reventa.
Sesión Informativa
Lunes, 29 de Oct. 12:30-1:30PM en el Auditorio de la Biblioteca Pública Central de Somerville unbicado en 79 Highland Ave., Somerville en el primer piso opuesto de la mesa de circulación
Fechas de Casa Abierta
Domingo, 4 de Nov.: 11:30AM-1:30PM Y Miércoles,7 de Nov. a las 6:00-8:00PM
Fecha Límite
Jueves 7 de Nov. a las 6:30PM a 50 Evergreen Ave. Somerville, MA 02145
Lunes, 26 de Nov. a las 11AM en City Hall Aldermanic Chambers ae 93 Highland Ave., Somerville
Requísitos de Elegibilidad
- Solicitantes necesitan ser elegibles por ingresos y ser compradores de primera vez;
- Ambos jefes de familia no pueden ser estudiantes de tiempo completo; Un mínimo de dos (2) personas;
- No se permite rentar o subalquilar o Airbnb la unidad;
- La unidad tiene que ser su residencia principal y sujeto a monitoreo anualmente;
- Se aplicará Restricciones de Escritura sobre la reventa y participación en la unidad
- Aplicaciones estarán disponibles Lunes 13 de Agosto en: somervillema.gov/inclusionaryhousing o en la oficina del Departamento de Viviendas que se encuentra en City Hall Annex ubicado en: 50 Evergreen Ave, y también en City Hall y las bibliotecas de la Cuidad de Somerville
- Aplicaciones completas tienen que ser entregadas al Dpto. de Viviendas con: I) una carta de pre-aprobación de hipoteca actual incluyendo tasa/rango de interés, II) certificado válido de clase de capacitación para compradores de vivienda con fecha dentro de los últimos 3 años a partir de la fecha límite de solicitud o comprobante de inscripción actual en una clase de capacitación para compradores de vivienda nueva antes del 26 de Nov.
- Las viviendas elegibles serán notificadas de su elegibilidad y participación en la lotería antes de la lotería por correo electrónico. Al momento de la lotería, la primera vivienda escogida tendrá que entregar comprobantes de ingreso, cuentas bancarias y activos de los tres (3) meses más recientes y los últimos tres (3) años de declaraciones de impuestos federales, documentos adicionales pueden ser pedidos.
- El Departamento de Viviendas emitirá una carta “Proceed Letter” a una vivienda elegible y en ese momento tendrá 15 días para entrar a un Acuerdo de Compra y Venta.
Para obtener más información sobre el proceso de solicitud, comuníquese con Andres Bueno al 617-625-6600 x2584 o por correo electrónico a abueno@somervillema.govPersonas con discapacidades que necesitan ayudas y servicios auxiliares para comunicación efectiva, materiales escritos en formatos alternativos o modificaciones razonables en políticas y procedimientos, para acceder a los programas y actividades de la Ciudad de Somerville o para asistir a reuniones, deben contactar al administrador de la Ciudad de diversidad, equidad e inclusión, Nency Salamoun, al 617-625-6600 x2323OPORTUNIDADE PARA COMPRA de CASA COM PREÇO ACESSÍVEL
O prefeito Joseph A. Curtatone e o Escritório de Planejamento Estratégico e Desenvolvimento Comunitário (OSPCD) têm o prazer de anunciar a REVENDA de uma unidade de condomínio com dois quartos com restrição de venda a um preço acessível de US $ 260,627 através de um sistema de loteria do programa de moradias accessíveis da Cidade de Somerville. As inscrições NÃO ESTARÃO disponíveis antes de 29 de outubro de 2018. As fichas de inscrições podem ser acessadas:
- Nos dias da sessão informativa e de visitas ao local (detalhes abaixo);
- Pelo www.somervillema.gov/departments/programs/inclusionary-housing-program;
- No SomerVIVA (93 Highland Ave, basemen) no City Hall Anexo (50 Evergreen Ave), bibliotecas públicas da Cidade
50 Bow St. #3 e uma unidade de dois quartos de 957 pés/quadrados, localizada na Union Square. Esta unidade será oferecida a compradores elegíveis de acordo com a renda, aptos a firmar um contrato de compra e venda dentro de 15 dias após a Cidade certificar a elegibilidade deste. Os compradores interessados devem estar prontos para prosseguir e atender às diretrizes de elegibilidade de renda. Esta propriedade tem restrição de venda e o preço é definido por fórmula. Os compradores desta unidade estarão sujeitos às mesmas disposições de patrimônio.
Unidade #3
957 pés/quadrados, Unidade de 2 quartos e 1 banheiro
Preço de Venda $260,627
Mensalidade de condomínio $178.02Sessão Informativa
Segunda-feira, 29 de outubro, 12:30hs às 13h30, na Auditório do Biblioteca Pública de Somerville localizada na 79 Highland Ave, no primeiro piso, em frente a recepção.
Visitas ao Local
Domingo 4 de novembro: 11h30-13h30 e Quarta-feira, 7 de novembro 18h-20h
Prazo de inscrição
Quinta-Feira, 8 de novembro às 18h30 na 50 Evergreen Ave. Somerville, MA 02145
Segunda-feira, 26 de novembro às 11h na City Hall Aldermanic Chambers, na 93 Highland Ave., Somerville
• Os candidatos devem ser elegíveis para renda, compradores de imóveis pela primeira vez.
• Família mínima de duas (2) pessoas. O chefe de família não pode ser um estudante em tempo integral.
• A unidade deve ser usada como residência principal dos compradores. Esta propriedade não pode ser alugada.
• Restrições de ações relativas a capital e revenda da unidade serão aplicadas.
• Outros requisitos e restrições de elegibilidade podem ser aplicados.PROCESSO DEINSCRIÇÃO E LOTERIA
- As inscrições estarão disponíveis no site www.somervillema.gov/inclusionaryhousing , no City Hall Anexo localizado na 50 Evergreen Ave ou no SomerViva, na 93 Highland Ave, Somerville, basement. 2. As inscrições completas devem ser submetidas à Divisão de Habitação, juntamente com: a) Pré-aprovação de hipoteca padrão de taxa fixa de 30 anos incluindo uma taxa de juros ou intervalo de juros b) Os candidatos devem obter um certificado do curso de compradores de imóveis pela primeira vez ou comprovante de matrícula que termina antes de 12 de outubro de 2018.
- As famílias elegíveis serão notificadas da sua participação na lotaria antes do sorteio via email. Depois da loteria, a primeira família sorteada deve apresentar os comprovantes de bens dos últimos três (3) meses e os últimos três (3) anos de declarações de impostos de renda federais; documentos adicionais podem ser solicitados.
- A Divisão de habitação da prefeitura emitirá uma Carta de Ação parao domicílio elegível.
Para mais informações sobre o processo da aplicação Andres Bueno no telefone: 617-625-6600 ext. 2584 ou via email: abueno@somervillema.gov
Os indivíduos com deficiência que necessitam de serviços auxiliares para comunicação efetiva, materiais escritos em formatos alternativos ou modificações razoáveis nas políticas e procedimentos para acessar os programas e atividades da Cidade de Somerville ou para participar de reuniões, devem entrar em contato com a responsável pelo departamento de Equidade, Diversidade e Inclusão da Cidade, Nency Salamoun, no 617-625-6600 x2323 ou nsalamoun@somervillema.gov.
Majistra Joseph A. Curtatone ak Biwo Devlòpman Ekonomik ak Planifikasyon Estratejik (OSPCD) gen plezi pou anonse ke yon batiman ki gen de chanm akouche gen pou nan mache pou REVANN pou yon fwaye ki gen yon revni elijib nan yon pri abòdab de $260,627 atravè Odonans Dekoupaj Enklizif Somerville la. Aplikasyon Yo Pa Disponib anvan 29 Oktob, 2018. Jwenn aplikasyon nan:
- Sesyon enfòmasyon ak Open House (gade detay ki anba a)
- https://www.somervillema.gov/departments/programs/inclusionary-housing-program;
- City Hall Annex ki sitiye nan 50 Evergreen Ave, biwo saint vil ak Somerville bibliyotèk piblik
Se sou selon revni w ou kapab kalifye pou apatman sa, moun ki prè pou achte ki ka pa pè pou gen yon kontra Dacha ak Vant nan 15 jou aprè vil la fin sètifye moun ki gen revni elijib la. Moun ki enterese pou achte yo dwe sipoze prè pou kontinye epi respekte kritè elijibilite yo. Pwopwiyete sa yon kontra limite epi pri de vant lan pral varye. Pou moun ka p achte batiman sa a, si li ap revann, se pou li kenbe men to li te achte l la.
Apatman #3
genyen 957 m2 ak 2 chanm ak kouche ak yon sèl twalèt
Pri dacha se $260,627
Frè pou condo a pa mwa se $178.02Sesyon Enfòmasyon
yo pral fèt nan 10:30-11:30AM, Lendi 29 Oktòb, 2018 nan Oditoryòm nan Branch Santral Somerville ki sitiye nan 79 Highland Ave. Somerville nan premye etaj la
Kay la Ouvri Pandan Jounen An
4 Novanm, 11:30AM-1:30PM NAN 7 Novan, 6:00-8:00PM
Dat Limit Aplikasyon
6:30PM, Jedi 8 Novanm nan 50 Evergreen Ave. Somerville, MA 02145
Lendi, 11:00AM 26 Novanm nan City Hall Aldermanic Chambers nan 93 Highland Ave., Somerville
Kondisyon pou Kalifye
- Aplikan yo dwe elijib, spesyalman achtè pou lapremye fwa yo; fwaye ki gen 2 moun epi yo dwe bay yon sètifika dachèvman (nan 3 denyè ane yo) oswa yon lèt deskripsyon ke ouy te pran kou pou moun k ap achte kay pou pwemye fwa
- Aplikan an pa bezwenn abite oswa travay nan Somerville;si w se yon etidyan an plen tan, ou pap ka elijib pou kay la
- Apatman an dwe itilize kom rezidans prensipal pou moun ki achte l la
- Lòt kondisyon elijibilite ak restriksyon yo ka aplike
- Gen restriksyon nan dokiman legal kay la a pwopo de kiyès ki kapab abite nan kay lè kay la revann
- Aplikasyon yo ap disponib sou somervillema.gov/inclusionaryhousing oubyen nan annex meri a ki nan 50 Evergreen Ave
- Soumèt aplikasyon an nan Housing Division avèk yon: I) yon dokiman ki montre ke ou kalifye pou yon ipotèk pou 30 an ki inkli to enterè a. II) Kopi yon sètifika ke w app ran yon kou pou moun k ap achte kay pou pwemye fwa avant 12 Oktòb 2018 III) Verifikasyon ke wap travay (30 èd tan) oubyen wa p viv a plen tan nan Somerville.
- Na p fè tout moun ki kalifye nan lotri sa a konnen pae emèl. Lè nou revele moun ki genyen nan lotri a, fwayr yo sipoze genyen mwa tout revni, yon dokiman ki montre tout byen fwaye a genyen, ak 3 zan tax, nou kapab mande lòt dokiman pou w pwouve kalifikasyon w.
- Seksyon lojman an ap voye yon lèt bay tout fwaye ki elijib.
Pou aplikasyon an oubyen plus enfòmasyon vizite www.somervillema.gov oubyen kontakete: Vil Somervil- Depatman lòjman Andres Bueno at 617-625-6600 x 2584 or abueno@somervillema.gov
Moun andikape ki bezwen èd ak sèvis pou kominikasyon efikas, dokiman ekri nan lòt fòma, oswa modifikasyon rezonab pou politik ak pwosedi., yon fason pou jwenn aksè nan pwogram ak aktivite kap fèt nan vil la oswa pouk a patisipe nan reyinyon yo tou. Ou dwe kontakte Manadjè Divèsite, ekite ak enklisyon, Nency Salamoun, nan 617-625-6600 x2323oswa nsalamoun@somervillema.gov.
15 Income-Restricted Homeownership Condos at Alloy at Assembly Row (EXPIRED)
Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and Street Realty Inc. are pleased to announce 15 income-restricted homeownership units located at Alloy, Assembly Row 275 Foley Street, Somerville. Units will be ready for occupancy upon purchase.
If you are a Somerville resident seeking language assistance in Spanish, Portuguese or Haitian Creole for the Alloy Information and Pre-Lottery Application Packet, please contactSomerViva. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
If you live outside of Somerville and seeking language assistance in Spanish, Portuguese or Haitian Creole for the Alloy Information and Pre-Lottery Application, please contact SEB at seb.housing@gmail.com or at 617-782-6900.
Si w se yon rezidan Somerville, epi ou bezwen tradiksyon an kreyòl Ayisyen pou aplikasyon sa a tanpri rele 617-625-6600 EXT.2622. Si w bezwen aksede sevis sa a tanpri rele pou yon randevou.
Si w abite an deyò Somerville epi ou bezwen tradiksyon an panyòl,pòtigè, oubyen kreyòl ayisyen pou enfomasyon sou applikasyon Alloy la oubyen lotri a tanpri kontakte SEB nanseb.housing@gmail.com oubyen nan 617-782-6900.
Si ud. es residente de Somerville buscando asistencia lingüística para el Paquete de Información y Solicitud para Alloy, contacte al: 617-625-6600 EXT. 2122. SOLO CON CITA PREVIA.Si ud. viva afuera de Somerville y buscando asistencia lingüística para el Paquete de Información y Solicitud para Alloy, contacte SEB a: seb.housing@gmail.com o 617-782-6900.
Se você é residente em Somerville e precisa de assistência em Português para informações sobre o Edifício Alloy e o pacote de informações da pré-loteria, por favor ligue para 617-625-6600 extensão 2123. ATENDIMENTO SOMENTE COM HORA MARCADA.
Se você reside fora de Somerville e e precisa de assistência em Português para informações sobre o Edifício Alloy e o pacote de informações da pré-loteria, por favor entre em contato com a SEB pelo email seb.housing@gmail.com ou telephone 617-782-6900.
Information and Application Packets
Information Sessions
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 13th 2018
Time: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Place: VNA 405 Alewife Brook Parkway (please park in Dilboy Field lot)
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 24th 2018
Time: 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM
Place: Alloy Condominium Complex
Date: Saturday, Nov. 10th 2018
Time: 12:00 PM -2:00 PM
Place: Alloy Condominium Complex
Application Deadline
Date: Monday, December 10th 2018
Time: 2 PM
Applications must be completed and submitted before 2 PM via one of the following means;
In person: SEB at 257 Hillside Ave in Needham, MA 02494; or
City Hall Annex 50 Evergreen Ave Somerville, MA 02145; or
Email: Alloy.affordable@gmail.com; or
Fax: 617-782-4500
Date: Wednesday, January 9th 2019
Time: 10:30 AM
Place: City Hall Aldermanic Chambers on 2nd Fl.
Or online at https://www.youtube.com/user/SomervilleCityTV
2 BR Inclusionary Homeownership Unit Now Available; Appy by May 17th, 2018 at 11 a.m. (EXPIRED)
A 2BR income-restricted unit is currently available for purchase to first-time homebuyers with incomes at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) please see Annual Gross Income Limits table below as the limit is adjusted by household size. This two bedroom two bath is located at 135 Willow Avenue. The purchase price is $188,197 plus a monthly condo fee of $170.02. If you are interested in purchasing this resale available through Team Jen and Lynn at Thalia Tringo & Associates Real Estate, they can be reached at teamjenandlynn@thaliatringorealestate.comor 617-616-5091.
Please note: Offers with complete applications including a first-time homebuyers certificate or verification of enrollment in a course which will end by July 2018 and a mortgage pre-approval letter for a 30 year fixed mortgage including an interest rate/range are due by Wednesday, May 17th at 11 AM to Team Jen and Lynn.
Important Resources
- Resale Flyer
- Application and Income Verification Form
- Guide: How to Submit Your Offer and Project Timeline
- Information Packet with Eligibility Process Details
- Unit Brochure
Inclusionary Housing Programs Income Limits
2017 PMSA Boston, MA Area Median Income Limits
No. of persons
80% AMI
Ineligible for 2BR
1BR Inclusionary Homeownership Unit Now Available; Apply by May 2, 2018 (EXPIRED)
A 1BR inclusionary homeownership unit is currently available for purchase to first-time homebuyers with incomes at 80% AMI or below (please see Annual Gross Income Limits table below). This 1BR, one bath is 520 sq. ft. and located at 429 Norfolk Street. It is part of a fifty unit complex, Union Place. The purchase price is $138,672 and monthly condo fee will initially be $177.00. If you are interested in purchasing this unit, please read the information packet. This unit is a resale available through Realtor, Sharon Ronkin, at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, her contact information can be found below.
Please note: Offers with complete applications including income and asset documentation are due Wednesday, May 2nd at 11 a.m.
Annual Gross Income Limits at 80% Area Median Income
Adjusted by household size for PMSA Boston, MA (2017)
1 person household
2 person household
3 person household
Senior Global Real Estate Advisor
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
N.E Prime Properties
Boston/Cambridge/North Shore
E: sronkin@ownnewengland.com56 Income-Restricted Rental Units at Montaje; Apply by November 13, 2017 (EXPIRED)
Thank you for your interest in the affordable rental units at Montaje in Assembly Row. The application period and waitlist for these units is now closed; the lottery was held on Monday, Dec. 11th 2017 at City Hall. SEB LLC, the consultant hired by Street Realty Inc. held the lottery for 56 income-restricted units available through the Inclusionary Housing Program. Click here to view a video of the lottery. One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight (1,778) complete applications for eligible households were submitted before the application deadline and included in the lottery. Only eligible households were provided with an application number before the lottery by either email or mail. After the lottery households received waitlist numbers via email or mail for the type of unit and income limit they applied for. If an email address was not provided, a letter including the waitlist number should have been received during the week of Dec. 18th 2017.
To see where you are on the waitlist, click on the link with the unit type and area median income (AMI) you were found eligible for then, look for your application number (no. 1-1,778) to find your standing on the waitlist. Households with the first numbers for each unit type at both 50% and 80% AMI have been contacted by Greystar, the management company which runs background and credit checks first. If households pass the first screening with Greystar, SEB then runs an income certification whereby households are required to fill in a Documentation Requirements Guide which was sent by SEB in an email or by mail with your application number before the lottery. Additionally, households must submit income and asset documentation for the most recent three (3) months as well as the most recent tax returns. If you have any questions regarding your lottery number or application please contact SEB at 617-782-2300 x204 or seb.housing@gmail.com. If you are on the waitlist and need to update your contact information please email or call Greystar at montaje@greystar.com or 617-623-0101.Waiting Lists
- Montaje Waiting List for Studio 50% AMI Units (Two Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for 1BR 50% AMI Units (Sixteen Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for 2BR 50% AMI Units (Seven Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for Studio 50% AMI Units (Two Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for 3BR 50% AMI Units (Two Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for Studio 80% AMI Units (Two Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for 1BR 80% AMI Units (Fourteen Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for 2BR 80% AMI Units (Eight Units)
- Montaje Waiting List for 3BR 80% AMI Units (One Unit)
- Montaje Waiting List for 2BR ACCESSIBLE 50% AMI Unit (One Unit)
- Montaje Waiting List for 1BR ACCESSIBLE 80% AMI Unit (One Unit)
For information on the units and process going forward, please reference the information packet found here.
If you missed this lottery but, would like to be notified of future income-restricted rental and homeownership units available through the Inclusionary Housing Program, sign up for notifications here.
9 Avon Place
205 Beacon Street
72 Berkeley Street
7-11 Aldersey Street Unit 7B
Ennea (7-9 Central St)
29 Chandler Street
1252 Broadway
300 Somerville Ave & 124 College Ave
395 Alewife Brook Parkway
432 Norfolk St. Unit 2E + 411 Norfolk St. Unit 2J
126 Cross St. and 29 Alpine St.
60 Cross St. East and 109 Prospect St.
13 Alpine St., Unit 301
375 Canal St. Resale
Miscela at Assembly Row (485 Foley St.)
14 Ward St Affordable Rental Lottery
27 Cutter St. Unit 27D—2BR Condo
24 Rush Street Unit A
88 Wheatland #2
400 at Mystic & The Commons at Prospect Hill
Cedar Place (Murdock Street)
100 Fellsway West
260 Beacon Street
3 Ward Street
1119-1133 Broadway and 38 Day Street
Program Information and Additional Resources
Coming soon. Check back for more information and resources.
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