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All Upcoming Events, Starting on Feb 25, 2025

Yoga with Louise (Council on Aging)

Yoga with Louise

Please see flyer for details.


Yoga with Louise (Council on Aging)

Yoga with Louise

Please see flyer for details

Bingo at Ralph & Jenny (Council on Aging)

Bingo at the Ralph & Jenny Center

Please see flyer for additional details.

Veterans Group (Council on Aging)

All Veterans are welcome!

See flyer for additional details.

Music & Munch (Council on Aging)

Learn a little, sing-along, relax and enjoy some Music while you Munch.

Please see flyer for additional details.

Music and Movement (Council on Aging)

Music & Movement

Please see flyer for additional details

CANCELLED: Urban Design Commission Meeting

This meeting has been cancelled due to lack of business.

Somerville Conservation Commission Meeting

Pursuant to Chapter 2 Acts of 2023, this meeting will be held remotely.

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