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2018 CPA Projects

In FY18, $9,602,409 was awarded to 14 projects:

  • 5 affordable housing, 2 historic resources, 7 open space/recreational land, and 1 blended project
  • 9 are community projects, 4 are City projects, and 1 is a joint community/City project

The following projects were funded in FY18:

Affordable Housing (awarded by Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund) 

  • 100 Homes, Somerville Community Corporation 
  • Leasing Differential Better Homes Program, Somerville Homeless Coalition
  • Prevention and Stabilization Services (PASS) Program, Somerville Homeless Coalition
  • Homelessness Prevention Assistance Fund, Community Action Agency of Somerville 
  • Better Homes 3 Permanent Supportive Housing Program, Heading Home

Historic Resources

  • Preservation and Access of Election Records, City of Somerville Archives
  • Elizabeth Peabody House Roof Replacement, Elizabeth Peabody House Association
  • Prospect Hill Park Rehabilitation, City of Somerville Parks and Open Space (Blended Project)

Open Space/Recreation Land

  • 5 Palmer Land Acquisition, City of Somerville Economic Development Division (Emergency Request, Approved by CPC in September)
  • Somerville Community Growing Center Rehabilitation and Restoration Implementation, Friends of the Community Growing Center
  • Blessing of the Bay Park Revitalization Phase 2, Mystic River Watershed Association
  • Dilboy Auxiliary Redesign, City of Somerville Parks and Recreation
  • Schoolyard Design – Brown and West Somerville Neighborhood Schools, City of Somerville Parks and Open Space
  • 35 Richardson Open Space Acquisition, Somerville Community Corporation

The public comments on the FY18 applications are available here.  


Affordable Housing

CPA affordable housing projects are awarded and managed by the Trust Fund, as the housing arm of the Community Preservation Committee. 

100 Homes Initiative

One properties purchased through the 100 Homes project

Somerville Community Corporation

Somerville Community Corporation
($171,000 award and $6 million bond in FY18; $1.2 million awarded in FY16 and FY15)

This initiative seeks to create 100 new units of affordable housing in Somerville through purchasing existing multi-family homes. To date, SCC has acquired 48 fully deed-restricted rental units in 10 properties that preserved 23 tenancies, including five that were in danger of losing their Section 8 vouchers. Five units are designated for homeless households.

Leasing Differential Program- Better Homes

Somerville Homeless Coalition
($62,532 awarded in FY18; $56,868 awarded in FY16; $35,820 awarded in FY15)

The Better Homes program provides rental assistance to 17 disabled and formerly homeless Somerville households.

CPA PASS Expansion: Prevention and Stabilization Services Housing Program

Somerville Homeless Coalition
($199,952 awarded in FY18; $93,728 awarded in FY17; $89,250 awarded in FY15)

PASS provides rental subsid to six Somerville households at risk of homelessness or in transition out of the emergency shelter system into an apartment.

Homelessness Prevention Assistance Fund

Community Action Agency of Somerville
($50,000 awarded in FY18)

The fund provides assistnace in the form of grants and loans to cover CPA eligible uses for homelessness prevention. 

Somerville Better Homes 3: Permanent Supportive Housing Program

Heading Home
($45,000 awarded in FY18)

Better Homes 3 provides rental assistance for 13 chronically homeless and disabled residents with incomes below 30% of the area median income (AMI).


Historic Resources

In Progress

Preservation and Access of Elections Records

Official City of Somerville Seal

City of Somerville Archives
($85,100 awarded)

The City of Somerville Archives will preserve and protect our historical elections-related documents, including the digital archiving of our City's election results prior to 1967 and mold remediation for voter ledgers.  

Prospect Hill Park Rehabilitation
(blended historic resources and open space/recreational land) 

Aerial image of Prospect Hill Tower and Park

Eric Kilby

City of Somerville Parks and Open Space
($797,330 awarded)

The City of Somerville will implement the new design for Prospect Hill Park, which was funded by CPA in FY15.  

Elizabeth Peabody House Roof Replacement

The Elizabeth Peabody House Association building

Elizabeth Peabody House Association
($73,000 awarded)

The Elizabeth Peabody House Association will replace the roof on their historically significant building.


Open Space & Recreational Land

In Progress

Somerville Community Growing Center Rehabilitation and Restoration Implementation

Community Growing Center in Summer

Friends of the Community Growing Center

Friends of the Community Growing Center
($350,00 awarded)

The Friends of the Community Growing Center will implement the new design for the Growing Center, which was funded by CPA through awards in FY15 and FY16. 

Blessing of the Bay Boathouse Park Revitalization Phase 2

View of the Mystic River from the Blessing of the Bay Boathouse Park

Mystic River Watershed Association and Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
($155,339 awarded)

MyWRA and DCR will lead a robust community engagement process and procure design services to complete a design landscape plan for the Blessing of the Bay Boathouse Park and phasing and cost estimates for implementation. This project received funding for the 25% design in FY17. 

Dilboy Auxiliary Fields Redesign

Study image from Dilboy Auxiliary Fields

City of Somerville Parks and Recreation
($90,000 awarded)

The City of Somerville will complete a redesign of the Dilboy Auxiliary fields space.

Community Path Landscape Design- Tree Canopy and Invasive Species

Bicyclists on Somerville Community Path

City of Somerville Parks and Open Space Division in partnership with the Friends of the Community Path
$15,000 awarded in FY18; $75,000 awarded in FY16.

The City of Somerville will hire a firm to provide design services for Somerville Community Path. This would be an extension of the project funded by CPA in FY16 and would allow the City to extend the scope to address tree canopy health and strategize for the removal of invasive species.

Schoolyard Design- Brown and West Somerville Neighborhood Schools

West Somerville Neighborhood Schoolyard

City of Somerville Parks and Open Space Division
($140,000 awarded)

The City of Somerville will hire a firm to provide design services to improve both the Brown and West Somerville Neighborhood Schools. This application is based on the pre-application submitted by the West Somerville Neighborhood School community.

5 Palmer Ave Land Acquisition

View of 5 Palmer from the neighboring community garden

City of Somerville Economic Development
($500,000 awarded)

The City of Somerville will acquire the 0.04 acre parcel at 5 Palmer Ave and convert the land to open space, enabling the expansion of the Capuano School Schoolyard and adjacent community garden.

Prospect Hill Park Rehabilitation
(blended historic resources and open space/recreational land) 

Aerial image of Prospect Hill Tower and Park

Eric Kilby

City of Somerville Parks and Open Space
($797,330 awarded)

The City of Somerville will implement the new design for Prospect Hill Park, which was funded by CPA in FY15.  

35 Richardson Acquisition
(blended affordable housing and open space)

Image of existing house and side yard that will be converted to a public park


Somerville Community Corporation
($210,000 awarded)

Somerville Community Corporation received emergency funding to acquire the parcels at 31-35 Richardson. A new building will be added to the 31 Richardson parcel, creating one new unit of affordable housing through the 100 Homes project. The other new unit and the existing home will offered as market rate homeownership opportunities. The 35 Richardson parcel will be donated to the City of Somerville for conversion to a public park.  

Not Funded

Applications that submitted an eligibility determination form but did not submit a full proposal:

Applications that were not funded in FY18:

Applications that were determined ineligible in FY18:

Programs & Initiatives

An overview of how the budget process works and how it impacts residents and businesses in Somerville.

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