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About SomerPromise

Are you looking for summer programs for your child? If so, click the button below to visit the 2025 Summer Guide for Somerville. 

SomerPromise supports the overall well-being of children and youth by connecting, aligning, and mobilizing community partners and resources to ensure every child in Somerville has the opportunity to thrive, from cradle to career. 

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Schools are working hard every day to help children in our community succeed, but many are still struggling. Since kids are only in school for 20% of their waking hours, we need to look beyond schools to make sure all kids have the supports they need to thrive. SomerPromise brings together the school district and community organizations to coordinate services and resources in new ways to support kids and their families both in and out of school.   


Contact Information
Christopher Hosman
Director of SomerPromise

Office hours are by appointment only.

Monday - Wednesday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Phone Number

167 Holland St.
Somerville, MA 02144
United States

Employee Directory

What Do We Do

  1. Facilitate and convene cross-sector partners to collaborate and set shared priorities, including convening the Children’s Cabinet, coordinating sessions that engage diverse perspectives to work towards cooperative and coordinated efforts, and helping set shared community priorities with clear success measures.
  2. Coordinate and leverage resources for shared priorities, including seeking funding, coordinating grant-writing among partners, providing seed funding for sustainable projects, and supporting and implementing relevant professional development across partners.
  3. Engage and connect with partners and the community, including communicating regularly about evidence-based community needs and opportunities for collaboration, sharing learnings and stories of success, establishing open channels of feedback and dialogue with partners, and supporting meaningful cross-sector community engagement.
  4. Catalyze, incubate, and foster programs and initiatives, including incubating or assisting with the launch of pilot projects and new initiatives, and supporting the development of existing programs in line with shared priorities. 

Somerville Hub

Somerville Hub offers information on a wide range of resources for families, including:  

  • Childcare Programs and activities  
  • Playgrounds and parks  
  • Preschool and Kindergarten 

For more information, visit or contact SomerPromise Coordinator Madeleine Werner at 617-629-5666 ext.2342 or

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