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The 2023 Happiness Survey Has Closed

We are grateful to everyone who participated in the survey and shared their opinions and feedback. Your input is valuable and will help us improve our services and programs. 

Questionnaires, data, and visualizations from 2011 to 2023 surveys are available on Somerville's Open Data Portal.

About the Happiness Survey

Somerville has measured residents’ happiness and satisfaction with the City with a biennial survey since 2011. Results help the City make decisions to make Somerville a better place to live. The 2023 Happiness Survey was mailed to 5,000 randomly chosen Somerville residents in June 2023, and the survey closed on August 15. 

Past Surveys and Survey Results

Questionnaires, data, and visualizations from 2011 to 2023 surveys are available on Somerville’s Open Data Portal


Acerca de la Encuesta sobre Felicidad

Somerville ha venido midiendo el nivel de felicidad y satisfacción de los residentes con respecto a la Ciudad mediante una encuesta bienal desde 2011. Los resultados ayudan a la Ciudad a tomar decisiones que hagan que Somerville sea un mejor lugar para vivir.

La encuesta está cerrada. 

Encuestas anteriores y resultados de las encuestas

En el portal de datos abiertos de Somerville, podrá acceder a cuestionarios, datos y visualizaciones desde 2011 hasta 2023. 


Sobre a Pesquisa de felicidade

Somerville mede a felicidade e a satisfação dos residentes com a cidade através de uma pesquisa realizada a cada dois anos desde 2011. Os resultados ajudam a prefeitura a tomar decisões para tornar Somerville um lugar melhor para morar.

Esta pesquisa já está encerrada. 

Pesquisas anteriores e resultados de pesquisas anteriores

Questionários, dados e visualizações das pesquisas de 2011 a 2023 estão disponíveis no Portal de Dados Abertos de Somerville.


Konsènan Sondaj Byennèt la

Somerville ap mezire nivo byennèt rezidan li yo ansanm ak nivo satisfaksyon yo fas ak Meri vil la de fwa chak lane depi 2011. Rezilta yo ede Meri a pran desizyon pou fè Sommerville vin yo bon kote pou moun viv.

Sondaj sa a fèmen kounye a.

Ansyen Sondaj ak Rezilta Sondaj yo

Kesyonè, done, ak vizyalizasyon sondaj sòti ane 2011 rive 2023 yo disponib nan Pòtay Done Lib Somerville la. 


ह्यापिनेस सर्वेक्षणका बारेमा

समरभिल सिटिले २०११ देखि निवासीहरूको सिटि प्रतिको ह्यापिनेस तथा सन्तुष्टि सम्बन्धी जानकारी द्विवार्षिक सर्वेक्षणको सहायताले मापन गरेको छ। नतिजाहरूले समरभिल सिटिमा बस्नका लागि अझ राम्रो ठाउँ बनाउने निर्णय गर्न सहयोग गर्दछ।

यो सर्वेक्षण अहिले बन्द गरिएको

पहिलेका सर्वेक्षण र सर्वेक्षणका नतिजाहरू

२०११ देखि २०२१ सम्मका सर्वेक्षणका प्रश्नावली, तथ्यांक अभिलेख, र दृश्यहरू समरभिलको खुला तथ्यांक स्थल - Open Data Portal मा उपलब्ध छ। 



自 2011 年以來,薩默維爾每兩年進行一次調查,評估居民的幸福感以及對本市的滿意度。調查結果有助於市政府做出決策,讓薩默維爾成為一個更美好的居住地。



2011 年至 2023 年調查的問卷、資料和圖表可在薩默維爾的資料開放平臺上查看。


自 2011 年以来,萨默维尔每两年进行一次调查,以衡量居民对该城市的幸福感和满意度。调查结果有助于市政府做出决策,使萨默维尔成为一个更适合居住的地方。



2011 年至 2023 年调查的问卷、数据和可视化结果可在萨默维尔的开放数据门户上获取。


Programs & Initiatives

The Safety Division of the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) provides guidance on safety requirements for building projects in Somerville.
We're addressing excessive use of force and systemic racism at all levels so that we can equitably serve our entire community.

Please submit website feedback using this form. Be sure to include:

A description of the issue (if any)
A link to the affected pages

Thank you for your feedback!