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Vote by Mail Applications for the 11/5 Presidential Election due by 10/29.
Poll workers needed for November 5th Presidential Election.

Reports and Decisions

PLEASE NOTE: Applications made before April 15, 2011 are not included in this listing and can be found by clicking here.

Street Number Case Number First Hearing Date Decisions Other Reports Updated date Applicant(s)
Quincy Street 12 ZBA 2018-90 Aug 08 , 2018 Quincy St 12.pdf 18.02.02_12 Quincy St_Deck Plans.pdf , 18.05.14_12 Quincy St_Plot Plan.pdf , 18.11.16_12 Quincy St_Deck Plans.pdf , 18.11.28_12 Quincy St_Plot Plan.pdf 12 Quincy St Staff Report.pdf , 12 Quincy St Updated Staff Report.pdf , 12 Quincy St 2nd Updated Staff Report.pdf

Jennifer Park, Eric Shea, &Tatum Smigilski

Gilman St 27 ZBA 2018-112 Aug 03 , 2018 Gilman St 27_0.pdf Gilman St 27 - Plan Set.pdf Gilman St 27- Staff Report.pdf

Jason Sachs & Elif Soyer

Mystic Ave 350 ZBA 2016-64-E1-7-18 Aug 01 , 2018 MysticAve350.pdf Mystic 350 - Final Plans.pdf Mystic Ave 350- Staff Report - ZBA 2016-64-E1-7-2018 with 2016 Decision and memo attached.pdf

Craig Corporation

Glen Street 32 ZBA 2018-64 Jul 18 , 2018 GlenSt32.pdf Plan Set 4-19-18.pdf , Plan Set 7-12-18.pdf , Civil and Landscpae 7-16-18.pdf 32 Glen St Staff Report.pdf

32 Glen Street, LLC

Somerville Avenue 515 ZBA 2018-44 Jul 18 , 2018 Plan Set 3-9-18 (reduced).pdf
Washington St 265 ZBA 2018-04 Jul 18 , 2018 Washington265.pdf Washington St 265 - Plan Set.pdf , 265 Washington St. - Plan set for July 18, 2018 ZBA.pdf , Washington St 265 - FINAL plans for August 8 2018 ZBA.pdf WashingtonSt 265 - Staff Report2 - edited re JT Scott working as private citizen.pdf

265 Washington Somerville, LLC

Wallace Street 100 ZBA 2018-77 Jul 18 , 2018 WallaceSt100.pdf Plan Set 5-29-18_0.pdf , Neighborhood Photos.pdf 100 Wallace St Staff Report.pdf

Linda S. Bolliger

Robinson St 11 ZBA 2018-07 Jul 18 , 2018 RobinsonSt11.pdf , RobinsonSt11 (MEMO).pdf Robinson St 11 - Plans for July 18 2018.pdf Robinson St 11 - Staff Report.pdf

Michael Browne

Everett Avenue 27 ZBA 2018-70 Jul 18 , 2018 EverettAve27.pdf Plan Set 5-7-18.pdf 27 Everett Ave Staff Report.pdf

Solomon Mezgebu

Wheeler St 17 ZBA 2018-72 Jul 18 , 2018 17 Wheeler St.pdf 17 Wheeler plans 4-30-18.pdf , Plot plan.pdf 17 Wheeler St Staff Report.pdf

Benjamin Lee

Beacon St 104 ZBA 2016-78-R1-6-2018 Jul 18 , 2018 BeaconSt104_0.pdf Beacon St 104 - Plans for Remand to ZBA 2018.pdf , Beacon St 104 - UPDATED Plans for Remand to ZBA July 18 2018.pdf , Remand Document from Court with Judge's Notes.pdf Beacon St 104 - Staff Report - Court Remand.pdf

Stephen Whalen

Trull Street 45-47 ZBA 2018-86 Jul 18 , 2018 TrullSt45-47.pdf Plan Set 6-6-18.pdf 45-47 Trull St Staff Report.pdf

Maxwell and Stefanie Bridges

Oliver Street 51 ZBA 2018-33 Jul 18 , 2018 OliverSt51_0.pdf Plan Set-5-31-18.pdf , Plan Set-6-29-18.pdf , Plan Set-7-25-18.pdf 51 Oliver St Staff Report.pdf , 51 Oliver St Updated Staff Report.pdf

51 Oliver Street, LLC

Dane Ave 24 ZBA 2018-75 Jul 18 , 2018 Dane Avenue 24.pdf Dane Ave 24 - Plan Set.pdf , Dane Ave 24 - Updated Plans Rec'd July 19 2018.pdf , Plan Set for 10-24-2018.pdf , Dane Ave 24 - Plans for Nov 28 2018 ZBA.pdf , Dane Ave 24 - January 2019.pdf Dane Ave 24 - Staff Report .pdf , Dane Ave 24 - Updated Staff Report.pdf

24 Dane Ave., LLC

Hancock St 33 ZBA 2018-57 Jul 18 , 2018 HancockSt33.pdf Hancock St 33 - Plans.pdf Hancock St 33- Staff Report.pdf

Silva Realty 2, LLC

Kenneson Rd 21 ZBA 2018-76 Jul 18 , 2018 KennesonRd21.pdf Kenneson Rd 21 - Plans for July 18 2018 POST.pdf Kenneson Rd 21 - Staff Report.pdf

Mario & Ana Brum

Broadway 1252 ZBA 2018-38 Jul 12 , 2018 Broadway 1252.pdf Broadway 1252 - Plan Set.pdf , Broadway 1252 - Plan Set Updated July 5 2018.pdf , Broadway 1252 Plan Set Revised 10-19-18.pdf , Broadway 1252 - Updated Plans for Nov 28 2018 (POST 11-26).pdf , Broadway 1252 - Updated Plans for February 20 2019 ZBA.pdf Broadway 1252 - Staff Report.pdf , Broadway 1252 - UPDATED Staff Report for Feb 20 2019 ZBA.pdf

Eric J. Silva

Broadway 105 PB2018-11 Jun 21 , 2018 Broadway105.pdf Broadway105_RevisedPackage_060518_0.pdf Broadway105_StaffReport-062118.pdf

Philadelphia Sign Company

Broadway 176-182 PB 2017-22 Jun 21 , 2018 Broadway 176-182 - Patsy's - Plans.pdf , broadway-176-182-final-plan-set-pb-6-21-2018.pdf , Broadway 176-182 - Oct 4 2018 PB Hearing Plans.pdf , Broadway 176-182 - Plans for December 13, 2019 ZBA.pdf , Broadway%20176-182%20-%20Plans%20121319%20%28POST%29.pdf Broadway 176-182 - Staff Report for 6-21-2018 - POST.pdf

Yihe Patsy's Corporation

Rush St 75 ZBA 2018-66 Jun 20 , 2018 RushSt75.pdf Rush St 75 - FINAL Plans for 6-20-2018.pdf Rush St 75 - Staff Report.pdf

Elan Sassoon

Smith Ave 10 ZBA 2018-62 Jun 20 , 2018 SmithAve10.pdf Smith 10-ZBA Application Drawings-180502.pdf Smith Ave 10 - Staff Report.pdf

RCG Smith Renewal, LLC

Myrtle Street 41 ZBA 2018-65 Jun 20 , 2018 MyrtleSt41.pdf Plan Set 1-23-18.pdf 41 Myrtle St Staff Report.pdf

41 Myrtle Street LLC

Broadway 176-182 ZBA 2018-79 Jun 20 , 2018 Broadway176-182 WWOP.pdf , Broadway176-182 WWOP (MEMO).pdf

Yihe Patsy’s Corporation

Mt. Pleasant Street 24 & 28 ZBA 2017-11 Jun 20 , 2018 MtPleasantSt24-28.pdf 14067_24-28 MT Pleasant_Warren - FOR SUBMISSION 2017-3-09 (incl Rev1).pdf , Plan Set 10-20-17.pdf , Plan Set 7-10-18.pdf 24-28 Mt. Pleasant Staff Report.pdf , 24-28 Mt. Pleasant Staff Report Updated.pdf

Warren A. Chaille

Cedar Street 165 ZBA 2018-32 Jun 20 , 2018 CedarSt165.pdf Plan Set 4-11-18_0.pdf , Accessibility Narrative 3-2-18.pdf , Plan Set 6-5-18.pdf , Soil Report.pdf , Plan Set 6-12-18.pdf , Plan Set 6-14-18_0.pdf 165 Cedar St Staff Report.pdf

165 Cedar, LLC

Berkeley 22 ZBA 2018-54 Jun 20 , 2018 Berkley22 WWOP.pdf PlotPlan.pdf Berkeley St 22 - Staff Report 2018.pdf

John Comerford

Adrian St 20 ZBA 2018-53 Jun 20 , 2018 AdrianSt20_0.pdf Adrian St 20 - Plan Set for 6-20-18 ZBA hearing.pdf Adrian St 20 - Staff Report.pdf

Elliot M. Cohen & Marjory A. Bravard

Newbury 22 ZBA 2018-67 Jun 20 , 2018 NewburySt22_0.pdf Newbury St 22 - Plan Set.pdf , Newbury St 22 - Plot Plan.pdf Newbury St 22 - Staff Report.pdf

North America Development, LLC

Inner Belt Road 70 ZBA 2018-74 Jun 20 , 2018 InnerBeltRoad70.pdf Plan Set 5-29-18.pdf 70 Inner Belt Rd Staff Report.pdf

CRP 70 Innerbelt, LLC

Harvard 40 ZBA 2018-36 Jun 20 , 2018 HarvardSt40.pdf Harvard St 40 - Plan Set.pdf Harvard St 40 - Staff Report.pdf

40 Harvard St Somerville, LLC/Kevin Brett

Mt. Vernon St 74 ZBA 2017-89 Jun 20 , 2018 MtVernon74 WWOP.pdf Mt. Vernon St 74 - FINAL Plan Set for 6-20-2018 ZBA hearing_0.pdf Mt. Vernon St 74 - Staff Report.pdf

Paul Turcotte & Bonnie Brown

Holland St 134 ZBA 2018-48 Jun 20 , 2018 HollandSt134.pdf Holland St 134 - Plans and Elevations_0.pdf Holland St 134 - Staff Report.pdf

Silva Realty 2 LLC

Raymond Avenue 93 ZBA 2018-56 Jun 20 , 2018 RaymondAve93.pdf Plan Set 5-16-18_0.pdf , Plan Set 5-31-18.pdf 93 Raymond Ave Staff Report.pdf

Harvey Remodeling, LLC

Beacon Street 285-291 ZBA 2018-63 Jun 20 , 2018 BeaconSt285-291.pdf Plan Set 5-2-18.pdf , Plan Set 6-14-18.pdf 285-291 Beacon St Staff Report.pdf

David and Julian Lewis

Glen Street 12 ZBA 2018-68 Jun 20 , 2018 GlenSt12.pdf 180426_12 Glen_Special Permit.pdf , 180605_12 Glen_Revised-2.pdf GlenSt12_StaffReport-062018.pdf

North America Development LLC

Broadway 323 PB 2018-10 Jun 07 , 2018 Broadway323.pdf Modified Signage.pdf 323 Broadway Staff Report.pdf

Somerville Retirement Board c/o Michael Pasquariello, Executive Director

College Ave 40 ZBA 2018-69 Jun 06 , 2018 CollegeAve40_0.pdf College Ave 40 - Shadow Study.pdf , 180504%20WBL_100DD%20DRAWINGS.pdf College Ave 40 - Staff Report_0.pdf

City of Somerville

Heath Street 132-134 ZBA 2018-60 Jun 06 , 2018 HeathSt132-134.pdf Plan Set 4-10-18_0.pdf 132-134 Heath St Staff Report.pdf

132-134 Heath St LLC c/o Cyril Hughes

Hall Ave 60-62 ZBA 2018-52 Jun 06 , 2018 HallAve60-62.pdf 60 Hall Ave proposed site plan.pdf Hall Ave 60-62 - Staff Report.pdf

Lois C. Russell

Wesley Park 19 ZBA 2018-58 Jun 06 , 2018 WesleyPark19.pdf Plan Set 5-22-18.pdf , Plan Set 7-8-18_0.pdf 19 Wesley Pk Staff Report.pdf , 19 Wesley Pk Updated Staff Report.pdf

Franciso Meneses and Vivaldo Meneses

Harrison Street 37-39 ZBA 2018-55 Jun 06 , 2018 HarrisonSt37-39.pdf Plan Set 1-4-18.pdf 37-39 Harrison St. Staff Report.pdf

Fan Wang and Marc Wagner

Franklin St 56 ZBA 2018-46 Jun 06 , 2018 FranklinSt56.pdf Franklin St 56 - Left and Right 2-D Renderings for 6-6-2018_0.pdf , Franklin St 56 - Plans, Elevations and Landscaping.pdf , 56 Franklin Landscape Plan Color.pdf Franklin St 56 - Staff Report.pdf

Victor Moreira

Upland Rd 26-28 ZBA 2018-43 Jun 06 , 2018 UplandRd26-28.pdf Upland Rd 26-28 - Updated Plans for June 6 2018 ZBA hearing.pdf , Upland Rd 26-28 - Plot Plan.pdf Upland Rd 26-28 - Staff Report w Response Letter Attached.pdf

Upland Road, LLC

Russell Road 7 ZBA 2018-59 Jun 06 , 2018 RussellRd7.pdf Plan Set 3-30-18.pdf 7 Russell Rd Staff Report.pdf

KTA Construction LLC c/o Frank Amato

Electric Avenue 20 ZBA 2018-49 May 16 , 2018 ElectricAve20_1.pdf Plan Set 4-25-18_0.pdf 20 Electric Ave Staff Report.pdf

20 Electric Avenue, LLC c/o Frank Rocci

Rush St 69 ZBA 2018-50 May 16 , 2018 Rush St 69.pdf Rush St 69 - Plan Set.pdf Rush St 69 - Staff Report.pdf

69 Rush Street, LLC

Bartlett St 100 ZBA 2018-35 May 16 , 2018 Bartlett St 100.pdf Bartlett St 100 - Full Plan Set.pdf Bartlett St 100 - Staff Report.pdf

Douglas Beaudet

Bonair Street 56 ZBA 2018-41 May 16 , 2018 BonairSt56.pdf Plan Set 4-21-18_0.pdf 56 Bonair Staff Report.pdf

LaCourt Holdings, LLC c/o Mouhab Rizkallah

Cedar St 22 ZBA 2018-45 May 16 , 2018 CedarSt22 WWOP.pdf

William Coombes

McGrath Hwy (SPSR) 845 PB2018-09 May 15 , 2018 McGrathHwy845_SPSR-COMPLETE.pdf assembly%27s-edge-special-permit-complete-04-19-18.pdf , attachment-a-architectural-plans-lighting-plan-landscape-plan.pdf , attachment-b-civil-plans.pdf , appendix-a-shadow-study.pdf , appendix-b-sustainability.pdf , appendix-c-property-documentation.pdf , appendix-d-air-quality.pdf , appendix-f-utility-analysis.pdf , appendix-g-affordable-housing.pdf , appendix-h-geotechnical-supporting-documentation.pdf , Appendix A_Shadow Study.pdf , Appendix B_Sustainability.pdf , Appendix C_Property Documentation.pdf , Appendix D_Air Quality.pdf , Appendix E_Staff Report.pdf , Appendix F_Utility Analysis.pdf , Appendix G_Affordable Housing.pdf , Appendix H_Geotechnical Supporting Documentation.pdf , Appendix I_Mobility Management Plan.pdf , Bicycle Infrasturcture.pdf , Assemblys%20Edge%20SPSR-A%20Compiled_Final.pdf , Attachment%20A%20-%20Architectural%20Plans%2C%20Lighting%20Plan%2C%20Landscape%20Plan.pdf , Attachment%20B%20-%20Civil%20Plans.pdf McGrathHwy845_SPSR-StaffReport_051518-FINAL.pdf , McGrathHwy845_FindingsConditions_051518-FINAL.pdf

845 Riverview LLC

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