The elections department is looking to hire multiple inspectors for the upcoming March 5th Presidential Primary Election and will be holding a brief information session where you can learn some basic knowledge of the polls. You will also be filling out your paperwork to become an employee, please bring your ID as well as a passport, social security card or birth certificate in order to fill out your I9 paper work. You must be a registered voter in Massachusetts not necessarily Somerville.
The actual voting hours are from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Tuesday March 5th. Once you become a poll worker you will be able to get notified of other Election opportunities' in September and November.
The workday begins at 6:30 AM and ends after the polls close at 8:00 PM, typically inspectors leave the polls anywhere between 8pm and 9pm.
During the day, each poll worker receives a 2-hour break. It is left up to each polling location to divide the breaks up throughout the day.
The Warden oversees the Precinct making sure everything is set up correctly, all regulations are followed, and all materials are returned to City Hall at the end of the day. Inspectors are given direction from the warden the morning of election.
The Inspectors check off the names as voters check in, assist at the voting machine, or attend to the demonstration table. The Inspectors also assist in setting up and the break down of the precinct. The compensation is $200.00 for the day.