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Keeping Cool in Hot Weather

Learn more about how to stay safe during a heat advisory below.  

Contact Information

Tips for Heat Safety


  1. Know the signs of heat-related illness. If you are experiencing headaches, dizziness, nausea, confusion, cramps, high body temperature, or a fast pulse, get medical help right away and move to a cooler place.
  2. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water when it’s hot, even if you're not thirsty. Bring water with you when venturing out. Avoid sugary drinks, caffeine, and alcohol.
  3. Practice sun safety. Wear sunscreen. Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and loose, light-colored clothing outside.
  4. Never leave children or pets alone in the car, even for a quick errand. The temperature inside can rise almost 20°F in just 10 minutes, even with the windows cracked.
  5. Avoid activity during the day. Plan to do any exercising or heavy activities early in the morning or in the evening so you can take it easy while the sun is overhead.
  6. Use your air conditioner. When it’s over 95°F, fans won’t prevent heat-related illness. To save on electricity costs, check if you qualify for a discounted rate from Eversource.
  7. Visit an air-conditioned building, pool, or splash pad. View a list of air-conditioned City buildings, and see this map for a list of public water features.
  8. Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially older adults, people who live alone, and people with medical conditions.
  9. Check the Heat Index. This measures how hot it actually feels outside, based on temperature and humidity. Take special precautions on days over 90°F.
  10. Call 911 in an emergency. If someone is showing signs of heat stroke, call 911 immediately. Signs of heat stroke include a body temperature over 103°F; hot, red, dry, or moist skin; a rapid and strong pulse; and possible unconsciousness. While waiting for help to arrive, move them to a cool area and use wet towels or a cool bath to lower their temperature. Do NOT give them fluids.

Before Extreme Heat  

Keep the sun and heat out
  • Weather-strip doors and windows to keep cool air in.
  • Cover windows that get a lot of sun with drapes, shades, or awnings.
  • Reflect heat back outside by installing temporary window reflectors between windows and drapes, such as aluminum foil-covered cardboard. 
Lower your electric bill
  • See if you qualify for a discounted electric rate from Eversource, which is available to income-eligible customers who receive fuel assistance or benefits from other programs, like MassHealth, SNAP, or WIC. 
  • Take advantage of energy-saving programs from Eversource and Mass Save
Get the most from your air conditioner
  • If buying a new air conditioner, look for one that is ENERGY STAR certified and sized right for your room. Mass Save is offering a $40 rebate for qualifying air conditioners
  • Designate a “cool” room to spend most of your time in. 
  • Make sure your air conditioner is the correct size for your room. The US Department of Energy recommends 20 BTU per square foot. 
  • Secure window units well and insulate gaps between the unit and the window frame.
  • If possible, put the air conditioner in a shaded, north-facing window. 
Make a plan with your friends, family, and neighbors
  • Plan ahead. If you live alone, ask a friend or neighbor to check on you when it’s hot out. If you don’t have air conditioning, plan with others how you will stay cool.  
  • Offer to check in on people who live alone and help them plan for extreme heat. 
Consider installing air source heat pumps
  • For a more permanent cooling solution, consider installing an air source heat pump, which can provide efficient cooling and heating.


Stay Cool Indoors

Spend time in air-conditioned spaces
Use fans safely

If air conditioning is not an option, here are a few tips to use fans more safely and effectively: 

  • Use your fan in or next to an open window. Never use a fan in a room without ventilation to the outside.
  • At night, use a fan to bring in cool air from outside. During the day, turn the fan around to vent hot air out.
  • Don’t use a fan to blow directly on you when temperatures are 95°F or higher. This can increase your temperature and lead to heat exhaustion.
  • Don’t use a fan anywhere near water. 
Other tips
  • Stay on your lowest floor and out of the sun, especially If you do not have air conditioning. 
  • Take a cool shower or bath to lower your body temperature. 
  • Avoid using your stove, oven, and other appliances that generate heat, like a dishwasher or dryer.
  • Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially older adults and those who live alone, don’t have air conditioning, or have medical conditions.


Stay Cool Outside

Drink plenty of water
  • Bring a water bottle with you when heading outside.
  • Drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Practice sun safety
  • Wear sunscreen.  
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and loose-fitting, light-colored clothing when outside. Light colors reflect heat and sunlight and help maintain normal body temperature.
  • Consider carrying an umbrella if you will be in the sun.
Other tips
  • Limit exercise to the early morning or the evening. Avoid strenuous activity during midday when temperatures are usually highest.
  • Be cautious when working outdoors: Heat Stress in the Workplace (NIOSH)
  • Choose shady walking and cycling routes. Take a break if you start to feel overheated.
  • Avoid busy locations during the hottest parts of the day. 
  • Protect your pets.
    • Walk in the shade to protect your pet’s paws from hot surfaces. Watch for signs of discomfort.
    • Make sure your pets have plenty of water and never leave them outside alone for long periods of time.
    • Never leave pets alone in a car.


Outdoor Splash Pads in Somerville (Flyers)

Map of Parks in Somerville with Water Features

PLEASE NOTE: The following splash pads are closed for repairs:

  • North Street Veterans Playground
  • Grimmons Park
  • Hoyt Sullivan Playground

* Please note that both outdoor pools in Somerville have capacity limits.

Save Money

Paying for air conditioning can be a financial burden. There are several programs available to help lower your energy usage and electric bills.  

Income-Eligible Programs  
Weatherization and Appliance Management (Swap Out)
Community Action Programs Inter-City (CAPIC), a local nonprofit organization, administers the income-eligible weatherization and appliance management programs for Somerville. You could receive:

  • A replacement window A/C unit
  • A replacement dehumidifier
  • ENERGY STAR certified LED light bulbs
  • And more energy-saving devices.  

Call 617-884-6130 to schedule an appointment. 

Discounted Electric and Natural Gas Rates
Eversource and National Grid offer discounted electric and natural gas rates to qualifying customers. Learn more and apply at the links below. City social workers at the Health and Human Services Department and the Council on Aging can also help you enroll.

  • Eversource Discount Rate Program
    • This discount rate is applied to your electric bill. 
    • It does not affect your enrollment in the Somerville Community Choice Electricity Program or other competitive electric supply programs. 
    • If you have electric heat, let Eversource know, because you may qualify for an even lower rate.
  • National Grid Discount Rate Program
    • This discount rate is applied to your gas bill. 


Payment Plans and Eversource New Start
If you have an overdue electric bill, these programs can help:

  • Eversource payment plans: Contact Eversource to spread out your payments on a payment plan. 
  • Eversource New Start program: If you meet eligibility requirements, you may also qualify for the New Start program. This program sets a monthly budget payment, and if those are made on time, part of your past-due balance is forgiven.


No-Cost Home Energy Assessment
Anyone who pays an Eversource electric bill, regardless of income, is eligible to schedule a no-cost virtual home energy assessment. With the home energy assessment, you will receive no-cost energy-saving products shipped directly to your door. Products include:

  • LED light bulbs
  • Low-flow showerheads
  • Efficient thermostats
  • Faucet aerators
  • Advanced power strips.

You can also learn about other ways to lower your energy usage and rebates on qualifying energy-efficient cooling, heating, and water heating equipment. Call 1-866-527-7283 to schedule your assessment.  

Community Projects

In the summer of 2021, six Somerville organizations received grants to pilot projects improving resilience to extreme heat. The Community Projects Grant Program had three goals:

  1. Build capacity for collaborative heat resilience planning and action among residents, community organizations, and City staff.
  2. Learn community concerns and preferred solutions for longer-term planning.
  3. Reduce heat health risk and discomfort for vulnerable Somerville residents during the summer of 2021.

The Keep Cool Somerville team developed a Cooling Strategies Toolkit as a resource for the City and for community groups to inspire and guide local heat preparedness activities. Grant applicants were encouraged, but not required, to draw on the Toolkit for inspiration.  

As a result:

  • 7 families received utility bill assistance.
  • 35 air-conditioning units and 150 electric fans were distributed.
  • 100 cooling kits with hats, insulated lunch boxes, and water bottles were distributed.
  • Fans, sprinklers, and cooling structures were purchased for South Street Farm and several school gardens.
  • Chuckie Harris Park attracted families with the “Mistery Machine” cooling installation, including cooling mist, music, and animation.
  • Public awareness of climate-driven heat was increased.

See Keep Cool Somerville community project highlights from Bent/Haus Arts, Clarendon Hill Towers, Community Action Agency of Somerville, Groundwork Somerville, the SomerFresco team, and the Somerville Housing Authority. Read the final report here.  

Fact sheets are available here in multiple languages:


If you need assistance with the application or have any questions, please contact:

Emily Sullivan
Climate Change Program Manager
Office of Sustainability and Environment
City of Somerville


Help & Resources

Get Assistance from City Departments

Council on Aging
Older adults looking for help staying cool at home this summer should reach out to the Somerville Council on Aging. Call 617-625-6600 ext. 2300.

Housing Division
This Housing Division webpage offers information for renters, landlords, and homeowners. The webpage also links to the City’s zero-interest home improvement loans for income-qualifying households.

Office of Housing Stability  
If you are at risk of losing your housing or experiencing other housing issues, reach out to the Office of Housing Stability. Complete this referral form to get assistance.  

Other Departments
Contact 311 to get connected to other City departments. Dial 311 in Somerville or 617-666-3311 outside the city.

More Resources


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