The Fire Suppression Division, commonly referred to as the Firefighting Division, has the awesome responsibility of protecting the public from fire as well as many other types of emergencies. Besides fires, the response to medical aid requests and vehicle accidents constitutes a large portion of the daily response activity.
Somerville Auxiliary
Fire Department
Fire Prevention Bureau
- View a schedule of permitting and inspection feeds
- Find permit applications and requirements
- Learn about fire prevention laws in Somerville
- And more
Fire Investigation
The Fire Investigation Unit is responsible for determining the cause of fires and assists in the investigation of other related incidents. Strong, aggressive investigations will decrease the number of incendiary fires as well as accidental fires. The identification of the cause and circumstances of how a fire occurred will often prevent a similar incident from happening again. The information that is discovered may be used for a new fire prevention and/or public education program to prevent an incident. The fire investigation unit does prosecute individuals responsible for incendiary fires and threats to burn property.
The Public Education Unit works closely with the school age population to increase their knowledge of what to do before an emergency occurs. The goal of the Public Education Unit is to train our young folks in what to do before, during, and after an emergency occurs. Before an incident, they are taught lessons such as checking and testing smoke detector, escape route planning, and behavior that may cause fire.
The Training Division is a very important component of department operations. Properly trained, a fire department can control and contain almost any situation with minimal damage and loss of life. Training in fire tactics is important; however, a firefighter must be trained in many other areas in order to control the situations that are encountered in day-to-day operations. For example, constantly being updated in medical procedures, hazardous materials response and bio terrorism–the list goes on and on. We make every effort to train to meet the needs of the community as the all hazard service.
Become a Firefighter
The state holds a civil service exam every two years to become a firefighter. Click here for more information on getting started.